Search results

  1. andymi

    awsume find

    It's always cool to find something extra. Last night I was looking and I have this pink stuff with large poors that almost looks like sponge. Still trying to ID it. That would be cool if it is :) -Andy
  2. andymi

    garlic and ick?

    I have been using McCormicks Garlic Juice we got from the local grocery store. This seems to be removing the parasites, but is slow going, but my puffer definitely looks better after 1 week of treatment. We just soak krill or our other frozen food in garlic and feed with it. So far so good, and...
  3. andymi

    UV Sterilizer

    Garlic is one of the few things that are safe to use in a reef. With fish that are prone to ick like Tangs, I always recommend a couple cleaner shrimp. They have always done wonders. They are not doing that well on a case of black ick which is supposedly more like a worm, but it is doing great...
  4. andymi

    what should i add to my tank

    Is this a reef tank or a FO type tank? If you are looking for something colorful you could try a coral beauty. They are hit & miss in reefs though. What types of things do you have in the tank. --Andy
  5. andymi

    Hammer Coral - Something has the munchies

    I am not talking about missing a couple pieces I am talking about the hammer coral being gutted down to the hard portion of the coral. The day before the coral looked just fine and had been that way for almost a week and just all of a sudden all the polyps on that piece of the coral were down...
  6. andymi

    Hammer Coral - Something has the munchies

    I am not talking about missing a couple pieces I am talking about the hammer coral being gutted down to the hard portion of the coral. The day before the coral looked just fine and had been that way for almost a week and just all of a sudden all the polyps on that piece of the coral were down...
  7. andymi

    UV or not to UV

    They are good for FO tanks in my opinion but not for reefs. I feel the same way about skimmers, but I digress. Anyhow, UV sterlizers will quite often also kill phytoplankton that many of us suppliment our tanks with. In which case you are doing nothing but killing vital organisms and making the...
  8. andymi

    Help me with my 37 Gallon

    Since you just started this tank I would turn off the protein skimmer and uv sterlizer. The tank still needs to cycle. What other filtration do you have? Using a skimmer and other products during the cycling process will do nothing but delay it. I would (if you dont have it now) just go get a...
  9. andymi

    Adding More Sand

    I would think you could add the sand to the top of it, but I would go slow and do it over time as to not get a large ammonia spike. You could take a PVC pipe and a funnel and poor sand directly down to the bottom and put it anywhere you want it. I would make sure you rinse the sand first so that...
  10. andymi

    my first coral

    It depends on the corals. I try to feed my brain coral and tubastrea on occassion. Everything I else I pretty much let live off the light. Since I have no experience with the cabbage leather quite yet (i received a small small piece of cabbage leather on a blue striped mushroom piece) I would...
  11. andymi


    I think I paid around $20 online for a large bottle. It does have a little bit of a smell but it should not be overpowering. Make sure you keep it refrigerated. If it is not refrigerated after opening you just lost money and all the nutrients are pretty much lost. --Andy
  12. andymi

    Hammer Coral - Something has the munchies

    Ok, just picked up some hammer coral this past weekend and now two complete polyps are gone out of about 8. What on this list could be the culprit for these things. Peppermint Shrimp Red/Blue Leg Hermits Mithrax Crabs Cleaner Shrimp Tang Clownfish Chromis I highly doubt it is any of the fish. I...
  13. andymi

    Clean up crew

    The diatoms will quite often go away on their own, but if you are just looking to make it look pretty you could do one of a couple things. 1. Just stir the sand a little and you wont see them. 2. Just buy a couple hermits from somewhere and in a few days your sand will be as good as new. Maybe...
  14. andymi

    Prizm Skimmer Not Bad!

    I am not familiar with the Prizm skimmers but most have a water line on them. This is where the water needs to be and the rest is bubbles. HTH -Andy
  15. andymi

    Does ship to Canada

    Might want to try and send them an e-mail to find out. I dont think too many places ship to canada, but SWF might. -Andy
  16. andymi

    Urchin eats coraline?

    Yes they do eat coraline. But with that you will get more coraline growth. What type of urchin exactly is it? -Andy
  17. andymi

    Urchin eats coraline?

    I think it depends on the type of urchin. I have read this on numerous other boards. Some people recommend them for eating algaes, but coraline consumption means coraline growth. As long as your levels are ok, I think you would be alright. --Andy
  18. andymi

    Problems with corals PLEASE ADVISE

    I have heard that you need to acclimate the corals to the additional light. Maybe creating a new lighting plan would help. Just run the MH's for a couple hours a day slowly increasing them. --Andy
  19. andymi

    Don't realy understand

    Most wet/dry's will come with everything you need. As far as skimmers do some research on them and get one that is for your size tank. If you are going to have a wet/dry you should be able to get a sump type skimmer. There is someone with the nickname of Risc in the fish only forum who is very...
  20. andymi

    Terry B - Questions

    My apologies to anyone who was offended by me asking this question directly to Terry. Since Terry seemed to be the authority on Ich and treatments associated with this parasite, I directed the question toward that person. I am a little frustrated by the sarcastic response, but will ensure that...