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  1. tdog7879

    My Wife Wants To Fogger In The House What Should I Do???

    Originally Posted by Cranberry I have a friend who covered and sprayed. No losses. Are ya gonna keep defogging all summer long if you see a flea every now and then? (arguments for the wife....) no this is going to a one time thing.....I HOPE!
  2. tdog7879

    My Wife Wants To Fogger In The House What Should I Do???

    Originally Posted by Cranberry I would defog unless the fleas were a house problem. Finding a couple of the dog is not a house problem IMO. Deflea the dog and you should get rid of all the house fleas. I wish it was that easy!!!! The wife is nagging me to do it
  3. tdog7879

    My Wife Wants To Fogger In The House What Should I Do???

    the directions for the fogger say to turm off water flow and cover the tank. It also want you to turn off AC. The whole process is 2 1/2 hours. So i was thinking about covering the whole tank and stand with plastic and turning off everything except for the PH. What do you guys think? Is this...
  4. tdog7879

    My Wife Wants To Fogger In The House What Should I Do???

    Originally Posted by Salt Life go to petsupermarket or one of those types of stores and get Adams flea and tick spray, spray your carpter/floors,furniture/walls, whatever you need to spray. well she already went and got flea spray for the yard(she OCD ) So has anyone had to do the hole fogger...
  5. tdog7879

    Garlic Xtreme vs. Stop Parasite

    Originally Posted by crimzy You're treating the fish without killing the parasite. Meaning that ich could potentially come back someday. + 1 on this. I have had great luck with seachem focus and metronidazole.
  6. tdog7879

    My Wife Wants To Fogger In The House What Should I Do???

    So we got a new dog and the dog had a couple of fleas on him (we already took him to the vet and got the flea meds) Anyways my wife is still freaking out! She wants to use some fogger but im really concern. I need some suggestions on preping the tank for complete safety! Thanks
  7. tdog7879

    Chaetomorpha Algae question

    Originally Posted by neupane00 hey guys, i have Chaetomorpha Algae on a very small refugium.. about 23 X 5 X 12 inches. I have i think 15 watt small pc light strip for refugium. How long should i leave that light on?? I have mine set on a timer 12 hours on 12 hours off.
  8. tdog7879

    I Got A New Chalice Frag!!!got Some ????

    here are some pics i took on my blackberry stepdaughter has my camera Tell me what you think! Thanks
  9. tdog7879

    I Got A New Chalice Frag!!!got Some ????

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ wow, those are good prices. My lfs wanted like 40 bucks for a small piece of monti. Sorry I cant answer your first question T I kinda cool with the guy that works there......I'm just a little worried about the chalice frag. But it seems to be doing ok?
  10. tdog7879

    I Got A New Chalice Frag!!!got Some ????

    Yesterday i got a chalice frag from my LFS yesterday. My LFS has had a 6" purple and green piece (also would like to have coral name) in there display tank and the guy took it out of the tank and just cut me a 1 and 1/2 inch piece with some cutters! So what are some signs of the coral not doing...
  11. tdog7879

    Sandbed questions

    Originally Posted by user420 Would a 2 1/2- 3 " sand bed be too much? What would be best to keep things clean or should i take some out while I still can? your going to have a ton of mixed opinions on this topic: Simple methods: Deep Sand bed min 4 inches. Bare bottom or no sand. I would...
  12. tdog7879

    Candy Canes in the A.M.

    +1 on that
  13. tdog7879

    Algae problem

    Originally Posted by spanko From your post it looks to me like you have been feeding too much, and I don't notice any clean up crew besides the urchin. Without a good cleanup crew when you were feeding so heavily willing to bet there was a lot of uneaten food going to the sand and rocks. Also...
  14. tdog7879

    Algae problem

    Originally Posted by thang45 Thanks soulsigma very much for the long post. I'm starting to understand it better now. This is my setup: 90gal 38gal sump with refugium with chaeto I use RO water with DDE H2 Ocean PRO salt. I have MSX200 skimmer 2 purple fire fish 2 cardinal 2 clown 1 small blue...
  15. tdog7879

    best lighting for my buck??????

    Originally Posted by rlablan Thank you so much for the input. I will make sure to only get one then :0) And that MH fixture sounds much better... What is the right wattage, or whatever that I should be getting? like color, or tint, or like... ?? Does anyone understand what I'm saying, I don't...
  16. tdog7879

    the required 1yr mark thread

    Originally Posted by Life~Reefer Jeff Actually just fragged some of those! I went in there yesterday but didn't get any. Even though I really want them. There are like 7 or 8 frags of them. Nice Tank Stan! I second the clean tank comment! did you get a price check on them?
  17. tdog7879

    the required 1yr mark thread

    Not trying to hijack this thread but i have a similar coral but it has a bunch of small heads on it and i was wondering if the heads on it will get as big as the one that you have. Also do they have sweeper tentacle? cause i have a toadstool (neon green tip) that is right next to it and the...
  18. tdog7879


    i have a nova extreme pro 6 x 54 and i just replaced my bulbs with uv lighting. i have 2 UV 454 ,2 UV aquasun and 2 UV actinic white. I have never used these bulbs and this is my 1st bulb replacement.. i just wanted to get your opinions of the combo that i am using and your reviews on UV...
  19. tdog7879

    the required 1yr mark thread

    Originally Posted by florida joe That is the cleanest one-year tank I have ever seen +1 on that ...also like the bare bottom look.. I wish i had gone that route at the begining. Are those a type of mushrooms (red and green 3rd pic down near acans)?
  20. tdog7879

    Iphones Apps and Neptune Systems AquaController 3, 3pro, and Apex

    Originally Posted by cablebox615 The First iPhone is faster than the storm. It has WI-FI which the storm doesn't have. To me WI-FI is important because its as fast as broadband with more of a crystal clear video than 3g. The storm doesn't even compare to the iPhone period. Did i mention the...