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  1. jthomas0385

    power outage help!

    I just got home. my coral beauty died and my clowns look a little freaked still. the parameters are all perfect. the temp is a little higher then normal at 80 degrees. I have a lot of green algae all of a sudden also. I did a water change before i left. i used RO water. any ideas with that? its...
  2. jthomas0385

    power outage help!

    alright the good news is I had my uncle drive to my house to hook up a battery powered air pump and the minute he walked in the power went back on. the bad news is one of the fish were dead. i'm not sure which one, he's not to smart and couldn't tell me which one it was. (all i needed to know...
  3. jthomas0385

    power outage help!

    what can be done about the oxygen?
  4. jthomas0385

    power outage help!

    I will be home tomorrow though so please let me know what to do
  5. jthomas0385

    power outage help!

    there was a bad storm where I lived that knocked the power out yesterday. they're saying the power will be out for three more days. now the worse part, I'm 300 miles away on vacation so theres nothing i can really do. If the water temp stays about the same should my fish, anemone and coral...
  6. jthomas0385

    clown hosted!!

    very cool, thanks again your always big help
  7. jthomas0385

    clown hosted!!

    One of my clowns finally (after 2 months) hosted my BTA. Its funny though because the clown that hosted will not let the other clown near his anemone. He will lay in the host and rub all over it for awhile but then he will swim around the tank for awhile. is it normal for the clown to leave its...
  8. jthomas0385

    adding more sand

    is there anyway to add more sand with out having to take everything out of the tank??
  9. jthomas0385

    2 questions about my BTA

    I usually feed my BTA 3 whole pieces of krill every other day. Is this to much food? I have pretty decent lights. My tank is 55 gallons 48X18 and I have Current Nova Extreme pro 324 Watt T-5's. Also why does my BTA look more like a green LTA?? I've had it for 3 months now and it looks great...
  10. jthomas0385

    filter help please

    The two bio-wheels on my HOB filter stopped turning because theres so much gunk built up on them. should i clean them, should I buy new ones, or should I leave them alone? Thanks for the input.
  11. jthomas0385

    Clown trigger question

    easy everybody..easy.. I get the point. I think I'm going to skip triggers all together. So next question, would a Lion and a puffer, along with an eel (probably a snowflake eel) be alright together in a 100 gallon tank. I currently have a foxface who is starting to get a little large in my 55...
  12. jthomas0385

    quick sump question

    The 100 gallon I'm going to buy in the next few weeks comes predrilled. Will it be fairly simple to get a wet/dry sump running with this kind of system?
  13. jthomas0385

    Clown trigger question

    I'm going to be setting up a 100 gallon aggressive tank soon. After the cycle is done and the tank is seasoned I was thinking of getting a clown trigger. I know these fish are very aggressive. Could somebody help me by telling me what else can be housed with a clown trigger. Or is my 100 gallons...
  14. jthomas0385

    fire shrimp, lions

    can you mix a puffer and a lion?? I know you can't do a lion and trigger but what about a puffer? thank you
  15. jthomas0385

    fire shrimp, lions

    A lion fish, puffer, or eel will eat a large fire shrimp correct?
  16. jthomas0385

    help with tank move

    I'm thinking of setting up my old 20 gallon tank so I can move my fish (2 clowns, yellow tang, foxface lo, 3 chromies) into it while my new tank is cycling (120 gallon) I'm thinking the tank will not take long to cycle. All of the live rock is 9 months established, so is the live sand. I can use...
  17. jthomas0385

    stock list

    120 gallon tank I'm thinking yellow tang, foxface lo, lion fish or humu humu, snowflake eel, naso or blue tang, porcupine puffer?? Does this sound over stocked?? I will have lots of Live sand and Live rock, sump, protein skimmer. Thanks for the info.
  18. jthomas0385

    salt wont dissolve

    salinity is 1.025. I'm thinking that maybe the water was cold when I mixed in the salt?? Maybe I should let the heater warm the water and then mix the salt in. Anyway, I dumped the water, I'm going to start fresh.
  19. jthomas0385

    salt wont dissolve

    The water is the same temp as the tank 79 degrees and theres been a powerhead in the bin for 2 days. I am using reef crystals also
  20. jthomas0385

    salt wont dissolve

    Does anyone know why the salt in the new water I made up 2 days ago wont dissolve? I've never had this happen. Some of the salt keeps settling to the bottom of the bin. Thank you