Search results

  1. j.p

    2 free skimmers

    will you ship?
  2. j.p

    Ultra Colored Montipora For Sale, Palm Beach Fl. PU Welcome

    sorry about the delay with the yuma but do u still have any? and also i ssaw the post about monti's but was it only the supermans for sale or the other ones in the pic 2? o ya youre pm box is full
  3. j.p

    big tanks

    Originally Posted by The Egregious I think we need some more pics of the 5,500 +2
  4. j.p

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Originally Posted by skyhigh222 here wow thats wierd lookin what is it?
  5. j.p

    What fish should I buy?

    woo i jst re-read this and i saw it said 5 MORE fish i thought he wanted to get 5 fish for the tank and tthats it wow i would add anymore fish maybe some gobies but nothing else
  6. j.p

    hey check out my 90G tank pics

    looks good what lighting do u have? and i would get more rock before u get anything else
  7. j.p

    last one FISH PICS

    are these all in your tank?!?!
  8. j.p

    fish pics!

    are these all in your tank?!?!
  9. j.p

    130 Gal REEF PICs

    wow amazing tank! if you ever want to get rid of any of that monti cap i got dibbs
  10. j.p

    pics of my new 250 hexagon

    wow! wuts alll in it?
  11. j.p

    trying to post pics of my clams

    Originally Posted by nycbob nice clams. how many clams do u hv? any full tank shot? +2
  12. j.p

    your 75 stock list

    55 gallon been running like 7 months with store bought fish that i still have now alot of LS and LR Fish flame angel pair of clowns YT, hippo tang Inverts lotsssssss of blue leged hermits cleaner shrimp pistol shrimp Coral lots of zoas devils hand leather few sps mushrooms 2 plate coral
  13. j.p

    What fish should I buy?

    if it were me i would probably get a maroon clown or pair, mandrian, coral buety of flame, and like a school of 3 lyertail (sp?) anthias
  14. j.p

    Dwarf Angel poll!!!!

    u could have both that tank is soo big lol
  15. j.p

    # Year Anniversary 92G Corner

  16. j.p

    Help!! I order fish from this site

    YAY!!! but now we need pics!
  17. j.p

    Improving our neglected tank

    does that filter put out any flow?
  18. j.p

    WTS 75 Gallons of FISH!!!

    where are YOU located? lol
  19. j.p

    Need Help Asap!!!!!!!!!!

    freash water dip only kills some ich temporary and it streessses the fish out so much from catching it it does no use
  20. j.p

    fish or corals?

    fish fo shoo