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  1. zigster

    Anemones problem

    i was having the same issue for a couple of days, i came home from work today to find mine on top of a rock and wide open
  2. zigster

    I got my 8g Biocube!!!

    i like the mini tv in the bottom pic. no wonder the shrimp is happy
  3. zigster

    JBJ Nano Cube 24g Problem. Need Help Badly!!!

    no problem man. ive purchased a few things from them. if you want more lighting check out some of their diy upgrades. i added an accinthic to mine so i can have the light change effect
  4. zigster

    gbta staying under rock

    i have a 24g nano with 108w of pc, params are all good, amm, trites and trates all 0, sg 1.025, temp 82, phos-0, cal 420 tank is 8 months old. the nem was looking great untill today. thats the first time it shriveled up, it stayed open even on the trip home and during acclimation, this is my...
  5. zigster

    gbta staying under rock

    i just got a bta the other day, he was looking very full and healthy for a couple days, it climbed beneath my rocks 2 days ago and was still looking good but todat it seems to be shriveling up, it isnt getting any light where its at. should i try to get it out from under the rocks or let it go?
  6. zigster

    JBJ Nano Cube 24g Problem. Need Help Badly!!!

    google nanotuners
  7. zigster

    Unknown coral Frag

    kenya tree?
  8. zigster

    RO/DI questions

    ive been using tap water for my tanks and have had no problems but i would like to get a ro/di unit. i have 3 nano tanks an 8g, 14g and 24g. im looking for suggestions on what type/size unit to buy. id like to stay under $200. should i get a ro or an ro/di? and how many gpd? also what should i...
  9. zigster

    Wild random anemone?????

    looks like aiptasia, red sea aiptasia x works well
  10. zigster

    you're favorite fish

    +1 on the tailspot spanko, my second would be my mutant nekid clown that has a white spot on his forehesd.
  11. zigster

    clown fish tank size

    14g biocube
  12. zigster

    beginner nano question

    no anenome, too small and not enough light. idk about another fish either. a pair of clowns is good. you could get a cleaner shrimp and an emerald crab for in there. i have a tailspot blenny and a [hr] clown in my 14g biocube. it is a real nice setup.
  13. zigster

    First Ever Aquarium!

    try nanocustoms
  14. zigster

    Has anyone seen this????

    mine host my korillia, any time i touch it the little pricks attack me
  15. zigster

    Nano Cube Lighting/Wiring Questions

    oops too late
  16. zigster

    JUMBO Nassarius Snail from

    i have one thats about an inch in my 24g
  17. zigster

    Frogspawn BUBBLING

    mine has done that before but only the size of a pea. usually lasts only a day though.
  18. zigster

    Frogspawn BUBBLING

    you missing a clown goby?
  19. zigster

    My new Platinum Perculas!!!

    they are different. but thats alot of dough for a bleached out clown
  20. zigster

    A Letter to My Clown.

    this is awesome