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  1. J

    Metal Halide height

    I worked on a 36 plant bloom with four plants under each light, so 9 HPS fixtures at 1,000 watts each. Replaced the four corner lights with CMH 915 watts. Had to raise them to 31/2 feet above the canopy so as not to give the Nox Vidmate VLC plants too much light.
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    New Onyx Clownfish Pictures

    Yeah I love them so much, Piccasos are probably my favourite followed closely by black onyx. Sorry to hear you Kodi nox no longer have yours
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    Slow Growing Cyano

    I’d consider starting over and switching substrates. Sand capped soil would work better like you mentioned but I’d also look into enriched substrates like ADA Amazonia or UNS Controsoil Showbox jiofi.local.html tplinklogin for carpet plants like baby tears.
  4. J

    Who's got an angry fish story?

    That's Grand Admiral Thrawn levels of tactical planning and loophole-exploiting. I can't imagine how long it too somebody to figure all the calculations out for the maximum Speed Test level of fuckery.
  5. J

    Royal Gramma and Blackcap Basslet together

    I would consider a 55 gallon reef right above the nano category, as your bigger fish (tangs and angels) will not be compatible after their Tutuapp 9Apps Showbox juvenile sizes. You do have plenty of options though:
  6. J

    JBJ 6 gallon nano cube

    I’m sure you tried it prior to tear down, but if not, chemiclean does absolute wonders with cyano and it works Tutuapp 9Apps Showbox extremely fast. My 30g cube was riddled of cyano in 48 hours a few months ago.
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    Clown fish getting aggressive

    If your pair was purchased as juveniles, this could just be aggression manifesting themselves as they get older. However, ocellaris (particularly captive bred ones) aren't generally very aggressive ... unless they're breeding. Check around the tank to see if there might...
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    You'd say I'm probably insane with this idea.

    I think you are making an error in equating Diogenes actions to his genius, he isn't a philosopher we still talk about because he did those things, he is a philosopher we talk about still because of the reasons he did those things. He made an argument about the nature of life, something to the...
  9. J

    Tomato clown

    Did you add both clowns at the same time. I have a pair of tomato clowns and heard they the most aggressive. Dying to add b/w Tutuapp 9Apps Showbox Ocellaris or some other kind as well
  10. J

    20 gallon suggestions.

    As said, to the right side bar there are some great links, in particular the 'guide to starting an aquarium' and 'fishless tank cycling.' The cycling one in particular is really important; research the nitrogen cycle until you can recite everything about it from memory haha! Toxic water...
  11. J

    Anemone stressed

    To me he looks a bit stressed.. your fish store didn’t really tell you everything.. you should turn all pumps off and let him attach himself to a spot he likes.. then you can turn them on Tutuapp 9Apps Showbox again
  12. J

    Current USA orbit loop question.

    Check out, they have controllable/non-controllable full spectrum LEDs for reasonable prices. I was looking at the Orbit for my 90 gallon and ended up getting a Lumentek PRO 240 instead. That would be overkill for your tank but they have the 120/180 models as well as dimmable and...
  13. J

    Moray eel help

    It's like marlin, but sacrifices speed and breaching bonus for power and an extra boost, as well as a secondary ability. Due to ur increased speed(110% of the average) you can escape whale succ without a boost and hit&run a lot snaptube vidmate easier.
  14. J

    Is my clownfish okay?

    As the other comment says, 1.023 is fine for most fish. Most can live even in hyposalinity (often done intentionally to fight ich) of as low as ~1.010. If you have inverts or corals, however, they're going to prefer salinity of 1.024 or 1.026, respectively.
  15. J

    Blenny acting weird after adding new fish

    My lawnmower always breathes like that, mouth open and fast enough to make me nervous (despite parameters always testing normal). I don't see what you are talking about with the right side eye and fin not Speed Test working.
  16. J

    Fluval 13.5 With AI 16 HD Lighting

    So I started out with moderate to low lighting for my LPS and softie corals after upgrading my light to the AI Prime HD. All the corals responded well over the past 3 weeks since I got the light. Now I’m trying to slowly acclimate them to higher lighting and I have read that David Saxbys...
  17. J

    New nano 15 gallon how long does it take Caribsea oolite sand to settle in??

    Coral wise I've made a lot of progress, I have a GSP, pulsing Xenia, purple torch, two zoanthids (that I've just picked up, one is a radioactive dragon eye frag, the other I'm not sure), some blue mushrooms, toxic green paly's, and a red monti. I also have some chaeto Nox Vidmate VLC algae.
  18. J

    My carpet anemone not eating

    Ok, so obviously I'm a photo hog.. I noticed right next to where the hermit is, his green polyps are gone.. the muscle or 'meat' itself doesn't look bad, but the polyps are Speed Test missing..
  19. J

    Sugar dosing experience

    A friend of mine has acquired some good quality lsd in form of sugar cube and is absolutely sure that its the real deal, others trying the batch said it was 200-250ug experience. But my friend is a first timer and wants to split the dose to get 50-80ug on his body to first try the Tutuapp 9Apps...
  20. J

    Clownfish Nemo fat

    they live in regimented schools made up of all males and just one female- the lone female being the dominant and generally the largest fish in a given group Tutuapp 9Apps Showbox