Search results

  1. fishfreek

    U.V. for sale

    I might be able to use one, would you take $35 shipped?
  2. fishfreek

    U.V. for sale

    Is it a turbo twist?
  3. fishfreek

    Bubble Tip Anenome is it Dead?

    Sounds like it may have split.
  4. fishfreek

    anemone mouth all teh way through

    Cool, nice pics!
  5. fishfreek

    shrooms, neon green sinularia frags for trade in WI

    Originally Posted by BellaNavis I have red/rust mushrooms, if you want to ship to Pa. Nikki, i sent you an email.
  6. fishfreek

    shrooms, neon green sinularia frags for trade in WI

    NSarno, sorry, all gone. I'll keep you in mind next time i frag. I do have colt frags, big brown/green harry shrooms and a sandwich bag of chaeto yet for trade.
  7. fishfreek

    shrooms, neon green sinularia frags for trade in WI

    jakebtc, i've seen the pics of her shrooms she emailed me. Why would i be disappointed in them? She doesn't claim to have purple ones they are very nice rust/red ones.
  8. fishfreek

    LFS Trading

    In my neck of the woods, you'd get $10-$15 for the frag.
  9. fishfreek

    shrooms, neon green sinularia frags for trade in WI

    About 15 miles south of Green Bay.
  10. fishfreek

    F/S chaeto in WI

    I have one bag left.
  11. fishfreek

    F/S chaeto in WI

  12. fishfreek

    REd/Rust Mushrooms

    Are you taking trades? If so, check out my post in this forum, i have trades. Are you shipping USPS priority?
  13. fishfreek

    F/S chaeto in WI

    I live very close to Appleton. Chaeto is an algae that you can put in your sump or fuge to export nutriants.
  14. fishfreek

    F/S chaeto in WI

    I have two big sandwich bags of chaeto for sale. $10 each shipped USPS priority mail.
  15. fishfreek

    4- 24 inch VHO bulbs $40 shipped

    Email me, we can discuss it and i can send you a pic. The neon green sinularia looks similar to a colt coral, but it is green and bushy. GPS = green star polyps. Yes, that seems like a fair trade to me.
  16. fishfreek

    Need Help Identifying Corals

    I agree with misfit.
  17. fishfreek

    4- 24 inch VHO bulbs $40 shipped

    Would you concider trading the bulbs for frags? I have shrooms, neon green sinularia, GSP and toadstool frags to pick from.
  18. fishfreek

    shrooms, neon green sinularia frags for trade in WI

    I live very close to Appleton.
  19. fishfreek

    shrooms, neon green sinularia frags for trade in WI

    Hay guys. I have a small rock with 5-6 large, brown/green harry mushrooms on it, a smaller rock(about 3" accross) of green star polyps and a very nice, large neon green sinularia i need to take a few cutting from (could probably get 2 or 3, 3 in tall frags from) Looking for nice blue shrooms...
  20. fishfreek

    Huge Anemone

    WOW, that is big!