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  1. Connorer

    Made the leap!

    That's brilliant, I've got 2x T5s so that should do right? Also how many hours a day would you recommend, as i'm trying to discourage algae growth, and i've not yet bought a cooler so the lights are making the temperature go past 27C which is really starting to get on my nerves! I'll put them...
  2. Connorer

    Made the leap!

    I've finally made the leap to corals in my tank, i'm fairly inexperienced so i'm looking for some tips (i know it's a vague question), but just something that would help along the way. I'm also wanting to know what to buy, what to avoid, and the best ways that you have all found in making them...
  3. Connorer


    I had the same problem, turns out it was the oxygen in the water, do you have an air pump?
  4. Connorer

    Protein Skimmer

    Sorry everyone, Got a bit hot-headed too easily without reading the whole thing properly; my mistake, I do apologise.
  5. Connorer

    Protein Skimmer

    All i did was share my experience with one, which removed the ammonia. There really was no need to have a massive go at me.
  6. Connorer

    Protein Skimmer

    It's nice to see how aggressive some of these comments are ...
  7. Connorer

    Saltwater in Marineland Silhouette Glass 3 Gallon LED Aquarium?

    Be careful though, as the tank doesn't have a proper lid, and they are really bad for jumping when stressed! o_O
  8. Connorer

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    Ah right, I never realised it was so bad. my LFS has a 'rent a sea hare service' for £5, so I may go for that again, it got rid of it in a couple of days last time, and I took it back once it had finished so that it didn't die of starvation
  9. Connorer

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    My tank's still in its first 6 months so algae isn't the biggest of my concerns, as for the levels, the nitrates are fine and I don't test for phosphates as it's fish only. Plus, when it's swaying in the water flow it looks stunning :)
  10. Connorer

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    That's what i've been trying to do, he just seems to run away from the turkey baster whenever i put it in unfortunately :( I added some copepods for the first time last night and some of them have still survived, the other fish don't seem to be as mad on them as the mandarin fortunately.
  11. Connorer

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    For what reason? :) and so do you think i should breed them in the Quarantine? As they are a fortune and really hard to get hold of in the UK
  12. Connorer

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    Haha yeah like silverado said I meant what might be living in there, but i've never introduced them to the tank so i doubt they will be :( I'm not exactly sure in terms of weight, but i've posted a picture below, there is quite a bit, and most of it is covered in thick algae which should...
  13. Connorer

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    I don't otherwise i would :/ all my tank's filtration and everything is internal, maybe if i emptied a bit of the protein skimmer into the Quarentine tank?
  14. Connorer

    Breeding Mandarin Food

    Didn't know where to post this, this seemed like the best shot :) Basically, I have been bought a mandarin as gift, i've heard the horror stories, but i've done the research and i've been ok feeding it live brine shrimp (for now) and i have shedloads of algae on the live rock, so i'm hoping...
  15. Connorer

    Protein Skimmer

    I thought i'd share my experience with a protein skimmer just in case it helps anyone, i have fish only with live rock setup. I posted a couple of weeks ago about wether or not it was necessary to have a protein skimmer, and got some mixed replies, i already had one but it's ridiculously noisy...
  16. Connorer

    Regal Tangs

    ah dear, i may have to wait a couple more months then :) when would you say a tank becomes established?
  17. Connorer

    Regal Tangs

    That actually sounds perfect :) thanks!
  18. Connorer

    Centerpeice of your tank?

    It's a brilliant store though, one of the best in the UK, according to the online reviews people come from all over the country to go to it, they try and source the most interesting fish. It's ridiculously expensive though - but worth it :)
  19. Connorer

    Centerpeice of your tank?

    I've always wanted one of them, they have about 10 of them at a store near me, and they're stunning (much too big for my tank though)
  20. Connorer

    Regal Tangs

    So 3x1.5 foot is probably definitely too small then :( oh well :) Yeah, you're right it is probably a bad way to go around it :) i'm looking into what to get next though, mine are currently settled quite well. I'm after something hardy (as i'm still only a few months in) that's mainly peaceful...