Search results

  1. Connorer

    New to Saltwater!

    I'd say so yes, I thought when starting out that you needed a specific filter but it seems to be that so long as it is a powerful one (and you're not growing corals, as they need a couple of extra filter media that may not fit I believe), then it's all good! Obviously, replace the media and...
  2. Connorer

    New to Saltwater!

    I'm relatively new myself, but they say that almost any fish tank can be turned into a Marine, I bought the Juwel Vision 180 (not huge, but got a fantastic deal) which was a tropical tank with optional conversion to marine (all I needed to add was a protein skimmer, which was a steal on eBay)...
  3. Connorer

    Filtration Options

    So it is necessary even in a tank without corals then? (Just it seems to be a massively divided opinion) And is it easy to clean the filter daily? I do a 20L water change every 2 weeks anyway if that makes any difference (usually done by using a gravel cleaner on the sand, where I tend to get an...
  4. Connorer

    Filtration Options

    I've had my tank set up for about 2 months now (180L, Juwel bio filter and protein skimmer), and everything seems to be doing well, but I absolutely hate the protein skimmer, it's ugly, takes up loads of room and it's ridiculously loud! I'm planning on getting a EHEIM external filter (probably...