Search results

  1. Connorer

    Regal Tangs

    I'm thinking of adding a regal tang to my tank, 180L - thing is I think it's too small. I was wondering how quickly they grow, as I was planning on getting a small one, and will be upgrading in a couple of years anyway. Obviously I won't be getting one if they grow really fast, as I don't want...
  2. Connorer


    I've looked at a few, but not properly, best giving it another look :) Yeah they are stunning, that's what first drew me to them. my lfs sells them in a kit with jawfish too (a small one, like a cave for it to sit in), which is quite handy, for about £120, plus all the food and everything
  3. Connorer

    Is my tank cycled?

    Nitrates should be ok, and the nitrite won't go down to completely 0 until your tank is fully cycled, mine was still at around 0.5 when i added shrimp crabs and snails, and they've all survived, not sure if it was just luck but I think you should be ok :)
  4. Connorer


    I've got 3 Huge live rocks (well 2 really, as the 3rd is right below the powerhead and hasn't managed to grow much just yet), as well as two small ones, i was after something that doesn't require stacking, as I'm not sure that i trust myself, also i'm in the UK so i couldn't order from these, as...
  5. Connorer

    Blue Streak Wrasse

    Fantastic! No problems there then - Thanks :)
  6. Connorer


    I did a quick search but couldn't find anything on the forum, so I'm opening a new thread. Basically i'm after an easy to build rock formation for my aquarium, which doesn't seem to be possible without stacking rocks precariously or glueing them together. My lfs sells aquaroche rocks (Website...
  7. Connorer

    Blue Streak Wrasse

    Oh right, mine doesn't really touch the other fish, but will flit round the tank after the frozen food i add - i'm guessing he's been weened at the pet store onto these so he should be alright?
  8. Connorer

    Blue Streak Wrasse

    I read the other day ( that these wrasse's are apparently really difficult to keep, and require almost expert care. I've only had my tank running for a couple of months, and introduced this fish to the tank within the first few...
  9. Connorer

    Is my tank cycled?

    I don't know if you got the same brand, but my live sand had a sachet that made it ready for inverts instantly - i was sceptical but i added two shrimp the next day and they're still there, happy as ever 2 months later!
  10. Connorer

    Filtration Options

    Haha, think i'm going to be doing the same thing, was absolutely fuming (although i haven't got a sump, so it'll be back to the fish shop :)
  11. Connorer

    Filtration Options

    I think i've done this, its just come out of the first cycle so all the levels are pretty much 0 now (test them weekly just to make sure), what else would you recommend? Thanks for your advice, much appreciated ! :)
  12. Connorer

    Filtration Options

    Ok i'll have an extra think about the UV to see if it's worth it, and it's probably best to wait until i have a bigger tank then before getting a regal tang. As for the quarantine tank, i've set one up but it's only 28l, i have it more for emergencies than quarantining when they come in (it...
  13. Connorer

    App for keeping track?

    that's brilliant, i've got an android phone so i'll give it a go!
  14. Connorer

    App for keeping track?

    Haha i'm doing fine on my own so far, but it's only been a couple of months, and i'm trying to take every care (after all, nothing sadder than the sight of a dead fish!). It's more so the technical side that i'm not too sure of yet, because one person says one thing, another says something else...
  15. Connorer

    App for keeping track?

    I found this on the mac app store today it looks good, but it only has one review, and it's not very specific - and i'm thinking is it worth £14.99? Is there anybody out there that's used it that can review it? Or that can offer...
  16. Connorer

    New to Saltwater!

    thanks i'll look forward to it :)
  17. Connorer

    New to Saltwater!

    Oh and on his point about mixing saltwater, I don't know if your local place does it, but mine sells it quite cheap (about 15p a litre), so if you're starting off and aren't sure about the process you should be able to buy it for now, so that you've not got another thing to worry about
  18. Connorer

    New to Saltwater!

    Haha, it's such a scary hobby to get into, but just add gradually. Best bit of advice is to start off with invertebrates, then after a few weeks move on to some hardy beginner fish, and then some cheap corals etc. until you have the skills to care for the tank above, I can't advise you much on...
  19. Connorer

    New to Saltwater!

    Don't get me wrong, so am i :) I'm just waiting to add them until i'm more experienced as they require established tanks and expert knowledge (for the most part), but even though that isn't a huge tank, it's still pretty big for starting off with. The thing about patience that pegasus said is...
  20. Connorer

    New to Saltwater!

    I think like he has said, patience is the key :) but if you're after fish only then your current tank size should be ok, it's the corals that are really sensitive to the slightest cock-ups (what size did you say you're tank was again, i'm picturing about 200L?)