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  1. shaggyblz

    Blue Hippo Tang (Dory)
  2. shaggyblz

    help with my leather

    +1. Moving them around or shedding can cause them to draw up for up to a week or two. Let them adjust, they should come back and be happy again.
  3. shaggyblz

    14g/10-15lbs live rock newbie...

    Salinity levels should be between 1.023-1.025. PH should be between 8.1-8.3. As for reading the other levels, you should buy a good test kit (Great investment). Although a sump is good for reef tanks, I do not use one on my 110g reef and it does good. Hope this helps.
  4. shaggyblz

    Green Star

    I'm up for a trade.
  5. shaggyblz

    Green Star

    How do you guys keep your Green star under control? Mine grows pretty fast, covering 25% of the LR in my tank. Is a chisel the only way?
  6. shaggyblz

    Element Tests?

    I currently test for: KH hardness, Calcium, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Iron, Phosphate, and Ph. What other tests should I be doing? Iodine, Iodide, Copper, other elements maybe. Thanks.
  7. shaggyblz

    Coral Banded Shrimp Hiding

    Mine only comes out at night.
  8. shaggyblz

    salinity where does everyone prefer?

    As close to 1.025 as I can keep it.
  9. shaggyblz

    Anyone near Louisville?

    I have been trying to find reef clubs or other fellow hobbyists in my area. I would also like to find a few new LFS's.
  10. shaggyblz

    Great Dane Puppy

    I have a brindle Great Dane. He just turned 3. They are great dogs. They're great with kids and other dogs/cats. I also have a Maine Coon cat. They get along great. Best of luck with your new puppy.
  11. shaggyblz

    Crab Question

    I have 2 emeralds with about 100 hermits. I have never seen the emeralds interact with the hermits.
  12. shaggyblz

    Alage in tank!

    +1 for the extra snails. My turbos work wonders. Also, it might help to put your lights on a timer (10-12 hours). My timer turns the night lights on when the MH's go out.
  13. shaggyblz

    any one got a tip for my salt?

    I keep my salt in a plastic bag in the bucket. No clumping.
  14. shaggyblz


    I have always read they help coral grow faster. I guess I need an element test kit.
  15. shaggyblz

    Is my toadstool doing ok?

    Looks great
  16. shaggyblz

    Im worried...

    He is correct. You can try to glue the rock underwater, which is pretty tricky. Or you can dry the rock it is on, add gel glue, and then quickly put it underwater and hold it where you want it, as Spanko advised. I haven't read about any problems or chemical side effects the glue has on the...
  17. shaggyblz


    What reef supplements do you guys use? I am looking for something that is safe and produces good results. I am currently only using Seachem Trace element. Thinking of trying something else. Maybe, Reef Plus? What do you think?
  18. shaggyblz


    Thanks, hope you're right.
  19. shaggyblz


    I have rearranged the rock in my tank, and now my colt has drawn up and turned a grayish blue color. Is it dieing?
  20. shaggyblz

    New frags today
