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  1. cranberry

    Goodbye Everyone...It's Been Real **EDIT (false alarm) EDIT**

    Good Lord. Another Chicken Little kind of day.
  2. cranberry

    The moon

    If it were dragging huge tectonic plates around, I'd expect to be moved around too. But seriously, no, I don't believe in that theory.
  3. cranberry

    The moon

    EQs are not affected by the moon. Actually, they called me last night to see if I could come in to work. I haven't been called in MONTHS. I didn't pick up the phone, though. That moon was last night? I bet there were babies flying everywhere.
  4. cranberry

    Sick Doggie

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer she still has no appetite, but she is drinking ON HER OWN....they don't want to give I.V. fluids since it will dilute the meds....she is still yellow, but they did not run a new billirubin One reason it gets very confusing to the laymen is their attempts at...
  5. cranberry

    Sick Doggie

    Geez, you need a good stiff drink.
  6. cranberry

    Sick Doggie

    Blah. I can't imagine Meowy. Stressful times. Sad times.
  7. cranberry

    Sick Doggie

    Oh No!!!! My thoughts are with your pup! Having a sick one is a horrible experience to go through.
  8. cranberry

    This isn't the onion! Snake Dies of Silicone Poisoning After Biting Model's Fake boobies!

    She probably doesn't have a whole lot of feeling. Some people have problems with sensation with normal size implants.... I doubt she can feel much anymore.
  9. cranberry

    Need advice on transporting an established tank.

    I just moved 13 tanks. I remove the rock and water and leave the sand. Some people say to remove the sand, I never have. In the last 5 years I've moved 30 tanks. I am never ever EVER moving again. Things to have on hand. Lots of water.... lots. For the travel containers and the tank when it...
  10. cranberry

    This isn't the onion! Snake Dies of Silicone Poisoning After Biting Model's Fake boobies!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Over what musle? Breasts aren't muscles. I guess I'll have to do furher research on the matter. LOL Don't think I want to see snake abuse, however. There is muscle under there. Some implants are placed over or under the pec. Under looks better IMO.
  11. cranberry

    This isn't the onion! Snake Dies of Silicone Poisoning After Biting Model's Fake boobies!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW The odds of a rupture to an implant are slim to nil. I saw a girl take baseball bat full on in her" real" expensive chest. No rupture. They make those things to last. Go to any docs office and they usually have one out you can" handle" can throw...
  12. cranberry

    This isn't the onion! Snake Dies of Silicone Poisoning After Biting Model's Fake boobies!

    They can be over the muscle as well. And if you look at hers, they are right under the skin.You can tell by the way her skin stretches out when she pulls him away. Skin doesn't separate from muscle like that.
  13. cranberry

    So Is California Next?

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm If the California Coast got slammed by a tsunami the size of the one that hit Japan, you could kiss LA, San Diego, and San Franciso goodbye... Not so much with LA. We really aren't at risk for a Tsunami due to the fault that would give us our "big one". .
  14. cranberry

    Is My Water OK? I killed 3 fish during acclamation.

    What fish have you purchased so far all together? How many died during acclimation? Who is still alive? What were the sources of the fish? Same LFS? Different ones? Different sources online? Do you remember of the ones that died, which source they were from?
  15. cranberry


    Quote: Originally Posted by TeresaQ well, maybe just a little smaller, I am terrable at estimates. lol they may be more like 1 1/2 to 2 inches. Bahahahaha! You're just like me. When I actually bust out the measuring tape, I'm usually way off.
  16. cranberry

    Is My Water OK? I killed 3 fish during acclamation.

    I've never actually had a 1.024 either. Hit 1.023 a couple times from the store. But most are within the range you speak of.
  17. cranberry

    Is My Water OK? I killed 3 fish during acclamation.

    Do you know what the S.G. of the water he came from? I always shoot low on my QT tanks at about 1.019 (because that's the lowest I've measured in shipping water). If your bag water was low, they probably didn't enjoy the 1.024. The tang looks shocky.
  18. cranberry

    Closed loop ideas

    EDIT: Sorry, I tried to post a pic.... forgot where I was. Pics don't work easily enough for me here. *whistles and walks away hoping no one saw her mess of a post*
  19. cranberry

    R/O water-is a supplement needed?

    RO right is for freshwater aquariums that use RO/DI.
  20. cranberry

    Plumbing questions regarding 180 GAL acrylic tank

    it depends on what kind of pipes/fittings you want to use...I use threaded fittings and flexible black vinyl hose for returns and CL's. For main drains, i use the smooth ID corrugated drain hoses and just pressure-fit them into the drain bulkheads (just give them a good twist/shove).