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  1. yannifish

    Overflow Suggestions

    Okay, thanks. I'll go with that style of overflow.
  2. yannifish

    Overflow Suggestions

    Well I won't be drilling the bottom, just the sides, and those should be plated, yes? I think I already understand the design, it seems pretty much fool proof. Would there be any need for strainers on the pipes since they are in an overflow box? The venturi would just be temporary to keep the...
  3. yannifish

    Overflow Suggestions

    The BeanAnimal system looks interesting. I like how quite it would be. That's one complaint I have right now, how loud the overflow it. I'd just have to build an overflow box, but I'm pretty sure I could handle that. I like the no bubbles in the sump too. Do you have more details on it? 2Quills...
  4. yannifish

    Overflow Suggestions

    Hello, everyone, it has been ages since I've been on here. I have a 55 gallon tank, and am planning on breaking it down due to multiple issues (algae mainly) and want to set it up again the proper way (using RO/DI water...). I am currently using a HOB overflow that uses an aqualifter pump to...
  5. yannifish

    Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

    I normally acclimate my snails for 2.5-3 hours. Shrimp are fun to watch, and great scavengers. I think some pictures are needed.
  6. yannifish

    Official Declaration of War

    Quote: Originally Posted by tangs rule Absolutly - Mine runs 42 psi, and my unit makes about 90% of it's rating. Well, later in the day I checked again and I got 25 psi. So, I'm going to get a booster pump. Oh well. Quote: Originally Posted by Jstdv8 my turf scrubber has been going just short...
  7. yannifish

    Official Declaration of War

    The water pressure in my house is 40-45 psi. Can I run a RODI unit with this pressure?
  8. yannifish

    Aquaripure...Lab Rat

    Any noticeable changes in any of the inhabitants of your tank?
  9. yannifish

    Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by benztech858 I am familiar with it. I have been noticing a lot of my turbo snails dying. Will that increase the nitrate levels? I wish I new why they were dying. How did you acclimate the snails? Snails need a very slow drip acclimation, because they are very...
  10. yannifish

    my tank is shocking me

    Good luck to you. Had this happen with a return pump once, the GFCI didn't catch it. I'm not saying not to use GFCIs though. Do use them.
  11. yannifish

    Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

    I'd get the nitrates down first. Fish waste produces nitrates as it breaks down (you're familiar with the nitrogen cycle, yes?), so adding fish will increase nitrates. Bring you nitrates down first.
  12. yannifish

    Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

    No, your bioload isn't that high. Keep doing water changes, try to get in the habit of doing them every week or every other week, depending on how large they are and what your tank needs. Are you using RODI water?
  13. yannifish

    Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

    I think taking out the sponge would be a good idea. It probably isn't doing much. If you leave it rinse it very often (like every other day). Bioballs aren't bad, they just need to be cleaned. But most people don't use them. How much live rock do you have in the tank? You said you got a new...
  14. yannifish

    20 Gallon Long Reef Tank (NEW)

    Sorry to hear it. You could maybe do a goby or something, I don't think there would be issues with the blenny. Verify this with someone else on here though before you get one, if you choose to. I personally would get another clown. I know with ocellaris and percula clowns you get a smaller one...
  15. yannifish

    Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

    Awesome! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you. I think pictures are in store.
  16. yannifish

    20 Gallon Long Reef Tank (NEW)

    Looks great! You have a very nice looking tank. What kind of skimmer?
  17. yannifish

    Aquaripure...Lab Rat

    This is interesting, I'll follow along. I wish you the best of luck!
  18. yannifish

    20 Gallon Long Reef Tank (NEW)

    Sounds like everything is coming along nicely! I think some pictures are in order though. Can't help you with the calcium. Are you running a skimmer? That would help with the nitrates.
  19. yannifish

    Official Declaration of War

    Well, just a little update. I haven't been on here much lately because I've been busy, and not much has happened in the tank. But, last week I received a letter from the retailer I ordered my phosphate reactor from, instructing me to place my order again, as they had the item in stock (after me...
  20. yannifish

    Ich (MICU journal)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers hahahahahaaaaa thanks, i think. He is sure the trooper. I feel like givin up on this hobby sometimes but it makes it worth it when a fish r coral makes a come back. I sound like a wimpy lil $hi.... huh? hahahahahaaa No, I agree 100%. When my clowns had ich...