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  1. findingnemo2

    A few things..

    Originally Posted by m0nk That emerald crab is huge! Is it 2 different pics of the same crab or different crabs in each pic? That is the same crab in both pictures, just different angles of him. The picture is zoomed in pretty close so I could get some of the details of his body. He is...
  2. findingnemo2

    A few things..

    Flame Angel Yellow Tang along-side Clown swimming around the Leather Toadstool Green Sponge Zoo's Zoo's 2 Emerald Crab Emerald Crab 2 Enjoy!
  3. findingnemo2

    Rare Zoo's and Palys for sale!!! Instant collection!!

    When do you think you might have another one ready? Any idea? Thanks!
  4. findingnemo2

    Xenia's driving me crazy!!!!

    I live in Texarkana, TX. Let me know!!! Sorry, have not been on lately, puter problems.
  5. findingnemo2

    Xenia's driving me crazy!!!!

    Your nightmare would be my dream! I can't get my hands on any where I live..... go figure. Wish you could sell it to my lfs! lol! Good luck!
  6. findingnemo2

    First there is 1 now there are 2!

    What kind of BTA was it? A Rose?
  7. findingnemo2

    Cover or not to cover, that is the question

    Thanks rudedog40 and dragonzim, the glass is coming off. Its a 110g.tank. The egg crate is a wonderful idea, thanks again.
  8. findingnemo2

    Cover or not to cover, that is the question

    I just got my outer orbit pro series HQI/T5/LED lights in and I need to know if I leave the glass cover on my aquarium or not? Waiting on your answers! Thanks in advance!
  9. findingnemo2

    #50 live rock in Texarkana cheap

    I want to come see it please, I live here in Texarkana Tx. Thanks, pm me and let me know , also, sent you a pm
  10. findingnemo2

    trade or sell

    Have any left? How much to ship to 75501? Thanks!
  11. findingnemo2

    must sell tank

    Interested, email me at sent you a pm.
  12. findingnemo2

    FS: Lot O' Books

    Do you still have this collection?
  13. findingnemo2

    Lighting for 110g Reef

    Thanks everyone, and see, thats the thing, I want to be able to keep just about anything. I know lights are important and just want to make the best decision before I buy, since they seem to be one of the more expensive things to purchase.
  14. findingnemo2

    Lighting for 110g Reef

    Originally Posted by peckhead look into oddysea if you want mh. cheap and works great I am not as confused about brands as I am about which size I should buy. Thank you, though, I have heard great things about that brand!
  15. findingnemo2

    Lighting for 110g Reef

    Should I get the 2 24's or the 60?
  16. findingnemo2

    Lighting for 110g Reef

    I have a 110 gallon tank that came with (2) 24 inch flourescent bulbs and light fixtures, I know these are useless to me, but they do fit the tank. This is going to be a reef tank with corals of all different sorts. My tank measures 60 inches long x 18 inches from front to back, and is 20...
  17. findingnemo2

    maybe fixture

    I would like pict. also and how much to ship to 75501
  18. findingnemo2

    Who Likes Blennies????

    I want a Scooter and a Lawnmower, but, what do you feed them? My tank is fairly new, only had it about 3 mo. I love these little fishies! So, what to feed... if I get these two? Thanks!
  19. findingnemo2

    Does anyone use a wavemaker?

    Thanks everyone! Decisions, decisions! At the moment, I have one power head, maxi jet 600 on my 110 tank. I want this to be a reef tank and I understand they need lots of flow.
  20. findingnemo2

    Does anyone use a wavemaker?

    Does anyone use a wavemaker, or can anyone suggest one for me? I am looking into it and don't know which one's I should be looking at. Any suggestions please? Thanks!