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  1. shista


    what kind of t5 woud you suggest any websites???? t5 flourecent?
  2. shista


    in a 55 gallon tank. what would a 100 watt pc light be good for??? as in some mushrooms /??? polyps???
  3. shista

    Clarkii and percula

    ok so i have a 55 gallon tank and i have one big clarkii clownfish and 3 small perscula clownfish. my clarkii nips at them every hour or so .. at night he doesent bother thema at all.. and they look i great shape(no bit marks or missing fins) to me it looks like they are fine but do you thing...
  4. shista

    Best salt

    Does anybody know what is the best salt and best test kit????
  5. shista

    Dead Tank

    i just filled my tank up with RO water.. and tured my heater on.. should i buy more live rock?? the live rock i have now doesent have visible life on it, everything is white and light
  6. shista

    Dead Tank

    so it probably wont go through a cycle?
  7. shista

    Dead Tank

    ok... so i had a 44gal pedagon tank with live rock and a few fish.. i had to go for vacation down in Greece and had no one to take care of the tank.. i sold the fish but two snails were left dead all summer.. now that i came back i emptied about 4/5 of the tank and cleaned the live rock and...
  8. shista

    niceeee live rock

    i don think they are enemonies... i think they are zooz or some sort of polyp
  9. shista

    niceeee live rock

    ok so i got this little piece of live rock and it has like 5 polips that are brown, they kind of look like anemonies but idk what they are. enyone know?? and also on the LR there was this sponge looking thing, its white and looks like a cacoon .... enyone knoe? i dont think i can get pictures
  10. shista

    New tankk stared

    ok so my cycle has finished in my 44 gal tank.. My tasnk has probably been running for 2 months ... what should i add 1st>>
  11. shista

    Fresh new start

    no no fish.. but when can i add a cleaner crew after cycle??
  12. shista

    Fresh new start

    so today i aded the Live sand (day 2). the water is all clouded.. enyone have eny suggestions to what i should do next??? There is already live rock that i put in there today with the ls.
  13. shista

    Water Changes...In a 250 gallon Tank??

    i wud do like 40-50 gallons everry 2 to 3 weeks
  14. shista

    44 gal help

    i am restarting my 44 gallon pentagon tank into a reef tank.. all i have that is working is a airpump, a powerhead, and a seaclone skimmer... WHat kind of filter should i buy ??? and im going to buy another powerhead and a heater... enything else??
  15. shista

    old tank / turning new

  16. shista

    old tank / turning new

    yaaa how do i wash the rocks and what about the sand how do i clean that its all likt bro0wn on the top SHould i just throw the sand out and get live sand?
  17. shista

    old tank / turning new

  18. shista

    old tank / turning new

    ok so i checked and the nitrates are on 30 and the tank is 1/4m filled witrh water... should i take all the water out or leave it in there so it doesent cycle.... or do i have to cycle again>>
  19. shista

    old tank / turning new

    OK thanks alot im just gonna take all the water out and wash the LR. Then fill it with water. CAn i fill it with freshwater and then add the salt or will that kill the rock?? And what would be a good clean up crew? '
  20. shista

    old tank / turning new

    ok so i have this 44 gallon saltwater tank. i have a clone skimmer. a emperor filter and 2 powerheads. i recently went away for 3 months so i sold all my fish, and left the tank with water live rock and sand. now that i returned the water is more than halway down . all summer 1 powerhead worked...