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  1. shroomie2u

    Mixing clown species?

    we bought 2 black and white occularis clowns and put them with a orange occularis and they did ok for a few days but then they went bonkers on him and had him stuck in the corner of the tank! we couldn't even go near the tank to interact with them because he would come over and start begging and...
  2. shroomie2u

    one single polyp help!!!

    oh thank you!!! i am so grateful, i am sitting here looking at my lil lost friend not knowing what to do!!!!! LOL ok so thats what i'm gonna do. but won't a soda can in the tank contaminate the tank? (gonna do it anyway, not like i haven't had my hands in it trying to find this lil guy a spot)...
  3. shroomie2u

    This guy wants to be president?

    IMO obama is kennedy-like. we need someone who will listen to people. this country has been run into the ground, lets give someone new and young and fresh with new ideas, a chance. he is classy and elegant, something we haven't seen in at least 8 years.
  4. shroomie2u

    one single polyp help!!!

    so does anyone know what i should do with this poor lonely lil polyp???
  5. shroomie2u

    LR give away zip 22304 DC Metro

    i live on the md/pa line. how much would you like for them?
  6. shroomie2u

    one single polyp help!!!

    just remembered that the other one i got was a torch something or other!!!! torch! torch torch!!!! i remembered!! i knew i had right on the tip of my tongue!!!
  7. shroomie2u

    one single polyp help!!!

    LOL me too but i take like 7 [hr] everyday! sux but i guess i should start writing down what i buy! ok so what do you think? should i just let it hang out in the sand for tonight or should i try the shotglass thing?
  8. shroomie2u

    one single polyp help!!!

    i have no idea!!!!!!! i know i know....but i have this diabetes medicine that makes my short term memory ....well it makes it ...short!! so i really can never remember what i bought! <<<< dumb %$#& ! ok but for real...the zoa (i gonna assume that's the same as a polyp) is pink in the center...
  9. shroomie2u

    one single polyp help!!!

    thanks for replying so fast! i don't have any small pieces of rock. and no superglue. so take a shot glass and put sand in it and let it sit at the bottom of the tank for a week?
  10. shroomie2u

    one single polyp help!!!

    ok i just bought one little polyp and it laying on the sand. i tried to place it so it wouldn't get caught in the flow thingys but it just moved anyway. what should i do? should i just let it go where it wants? please help me!
  11. shroomie2u

    This guy wants to be president?

    Originally Posted by Rylan1 What difference does it make? People consider Cinncinatti part of the South... What does this have to do w/ Confederacy? I also don't understand why people glorify the Civil War, in particular the Confederation... Furthermore, people's dislike for Bush has nothing...
  12. shroomie2u

    the cutest pic of my tank

    LOL i should huh!!!! you gotta get her at the right moment too....she dosen't stay still for very long!!! you gotta work for shots like this! thanks for looking!
  13. shroomie2u

    nfl preseason starts this sunday..

    my 7 y/o is a huge patriots fan! LOL he can tell you all the stats and everything. he is either reading about football or watching espn or playing madden!! so for my son i say "GO PATS!!!!!" and for my man i say "GO SAINTS!!!!"
  14. shroomie2u

    the cutest pic of my tank

    yeah she is your typical bald headed fat white baby!! but she is soooo sweet and she is always smiling! i just thought this pic was too cute. i would have thought more women would have commented on it! LOL oh well what do i know!
  15. shroomie2u

    My neck of the woods

    i live kinda close to harpers ferry
  16. shroomie2u

    the cutest pic of my tank

    how can no one comment on this ???!!!!!! this is adorable! she is looking in awe at something we all love! too cute
  17. shroomie2u

    Missing Child!!!! Northwest US! Please look!!!

    that's wonderful!!!! give her a big hug!!! the power of prayer is a great thing
  18. shroomie2u

    Missing Child!!!! Northwest US! Please look!!!

    prayer said and thinking of you all.