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  1. dse

    Cycling New QT

    jerry your pic changes every 5 mins lmao i love um! (sorry for being off topic)
  2. dse

    New Pics

    Originally Posted by SrgVigil Hey guys So my tank is officialy back up and running Heres some pics of my new fish Clownfish Names: Kirsten and Kelsey (couldn't pick my favorite pic) Flame Angelfish Name-? (havent thought of one yet) He is pretty small. The LFS picked him out specially for me...
  3. dse

    Fnaaly Dean's tank diary

    heres a pic from last night before the alge bloom. also heres 2 pics of the clowns hosting the alge hair at least it makes them feel safe for 6-7 more months untill i get an new anemone or the super turbo's eat it all wich one is eating now as i type. so it will probably be gone to hardly...
  4. dse

    Did a Feather Duster push me over the top?

    ammonia is well to high. and trites too how long has your tank been running? sorry to hear about you clown and possibly your blenny too
  5. dse

    Fnaaly Dean's tank diary

    Originally Posted by dsgmm9 it looks like a pygmy angel some simular resemble of them exept mine is still none of those colors. it does have the neon glow underneath and a different color face like those but it still not looking right. i also forgot to phone up lfs today so i'll get info...
  6. dse

    new goodies

  7. dse

    Fnaaly Dean's tank diary

  8. dse

    Fnaaly Dean's tank diary

  9. dse

    Best deals you've gotten

  10. dse

    filter for big tanks ?

  11. dse

    Fnaaly Dean's tank diary

  12. dse

    Can two wrasse be together?

    i know 6 line is very aggressive to those added after them. also if i remember correctly they do attack thier own spieces. the other wrasse i have no clue about sorry
  13. dse

    lots of big pictures

    To be honest you kinda don't notice any blurr over the facter of WOW!!!!! beautifull pics mate once my new tank is matured i'll be flying over to come steal... i meen have a close look at your tank
  14. dse

    My Clownfish laid eggs!!!

    1st thing don't bring in other threads said thats compleatly irrillevent to this thread. second of all the reason i don't bother too much with breeding is well see that picture up top theres me and my 2 kids(one at 2 years of age and the other at 6month old) so i have no time. 3 years ago i was...
  15. dse

    New 240 Tank Diary

    errr...... he did say 3 posts up............
  16. dse

    My Clownfish laid eggs!!!

    Originally Posted by kaingers frozen rotifers will not work because the fry will not see them moving in the water column and will not devlop hunting skills. I agree with Oceana, let this batch go and do some homework. yup agreed frozen won't work. but letting them go with out trying is stupid...
  17. dse


    i keep mine on so far everynight i have 4 spot's with 7 bulbs in each one. looks amazing in my opinion