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  1. verde_ad

    updated pictures

    BB is a good way to go. Sandbeds will fail in the long run. Skim heavy and get the stuff out now instead of having it leach two or three years from now.
  2. verde_ad

    keeping polyps in aggressive tank?

    I am setting up an agressive sps reef right now. It can be done. Triggers from the genus Xanthichthys are generally considered reef safe. Angels are hit and miss, lions are fine as long as you don't want inverts and tangs are reef safe. I don't know what other agressive fish you are looking for...
  3. verde_ad

    Will zoo live in flouresent lights?

    What kind of flourecents. If you have pc's, vho's, or T-5's, then no problem. If they are NO, then unless under a bunch of tubes, I wouldn't. I personally wouldn't anyway. If you are getting new lights soon, then I would wait. JMHO
  4. verde_ad

    What is your maintenance cost??

    well, I would budget at least $50 a month on unseen costs (ie pump going out, algae outbreak and need better clean-up crew, lights need replacing, etc). You may only spend $20 one month, but there will be plenty of $100 problems. Depending on your lights, pumps, chillers and local power cost you...
  5. verde_ad

    Coral questions

    Also, remember that fish make waste, so the less fish the eiser it will be to keep your coral happy. I have a thirty gallon cube, with 3 fish in it. I wouldn't add any more. I like healthy corals and the ability to miss a water change everyonce in a while. Have fun and enjoy the process because...
  6. verde_ad

    New Lion Owner

    It also depends on the lionfish. My dward fuzzy won't eat anything but ghost shrimp. I can get him to eat dead ones, but that is it. I am sure in time I will get him to switch, but as of now it has been two months with little success. Be patient and enjoy the process. I mean isn't that all this...
  7. verde_ad

    Bare Bottom Reef Tank?

    The sand bed in the fuge just continues to act like a trap for nutrients. Eventually the sand bed will stop reducing nutrients and start releasing them back in to your system. It is not a black hole for nitrates, phosphates and whatever else to just escape our tanks. It holds them for a while...
  8. verde_ad

    And my saviors name is, Xenia

    I just bought a six polyp frag of lords for $60. The guy had a bunch and he grouped them with a tiger striped dersa clam for $100 even. It was the deal of the century as far as I am concerned. By the time I can frag them though, the fad will be over and they will probably not be worth anymore...
  9. verde_ad

    Id Please

    Thanks Viper. These guys look pretty cool. The way they move around the tank. I am glad to hear That they are good for my system. Thanks for the quick reply. AJ
  10. verde_ad

    Id Please

    I found this guy in my fuge, but I believe I have some in my display too. Can anyone help me out with what it is and whether or not I need to get rid of it. I have a mostly SPS tank, with some xenia and shrooms. Any help would be greatly apreciated. Thanks, AJ
  11. verde_ad

    Another lighting question

    What are the dimmensions of your 50 gal. The reason I ask is because an HQI fixture will really only cover about 2 sqaure feet effectivly. If your tank is longer then that then you will have to get two or keep all of your light demanding corals under the halide. Just something to think about.
  12. verde_ad

    2000 Gallon Project has begun...

    This looks like a very cool system. You should take a look at this site. There is a lot of good info about puting togother a project this size.
  13. verde_ad

    All Dead!

    I am sorry to hear of your loss. I live outside Eugene, OR and would be willing to make a run up to Portland or souther Washington to get some frags to you. I don't have many, but I will give you what I got. Keep you head up and try to enjoy the journey. AJ
  14. verde_ad

    Do URI Actinic Whites look pink?

    I will try switching them around. I am a bit color blind too, so that is why she has been helping me. I own a restaurant and I always have to have my female staff members check the lettuce for me, because the difference between good lettuce and bad lettuce is too subtle for my eyes. I appreciate...
  15. verde_ad

    Do URI Actinic Whites look pink?

    well, I just compared the aquasun to the actinic white. I put them both next to eachother and turned them on and there is a difference, although very suttle. I couldn't really tell a difference, but my wife picked out the different bulbs without me telling her, so theymust be different. I got...
  16. verde_ad

    Do URI Actinic Whites look pink?

    the bulb says actinic white on it. And the ring around the outside is blue. I have an aquasun bulb and it has a green ring around it. I just switched from only having a 250 watt 20k AB bulb, to having a super actinic and a actinic white + the halides. Do you think it could be that I am just used...
  17. verde_ad

    Do URI Actinic Whites look pink?

    I just got a new VHO retro for my tank and was wondering if my actinic white bulb should look pink? I have never had VHO's before, so I don't know what they should look like. Will these bulbs "burn in" like halides or will they stay the same color? They are running on an ice cap 660 with two...
  18. verde_ad

    ID Please

    Thank you much. That is what I wanted to know.
  19. verde_ad

    ID Please

    I have these little guy's crawling around on the glass in my fuge. Does anyone have any idea what they are. They don't have any real shape to them, but they do have a dark spot in the center of their body.
  20. verde_ad

    In-Wall reef

    that is a nice blasto. :joy: