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  1. promisetbg

    What species of butterflies eat xenia?

    Why not just remove the xenia? Most butterflies, particularly any that would eat corals..will also if not preferably pick at and/or eat your sps. Asking for trouble....
  2. promisetbg

    Help with Alkalinity

    Stop using buffer, and do not add iodine{what other trace elements?}. It is way too easy to overdose iodine, and test kits for it are not accurate. Water changes with a good salt mix,and the elements in a two part are enough.Use a 2 part A & B in equal parts..BUT for now...just add some CA and...
  3. promisetbg

    Who has the best Aquascape?

    90 gal/29 fuge/29 sump
  4. promisetbg

    water parameters

    Phosphates {PO4}must be 0, you should work on this first. You need to figure out what is causing this and address it. Some factors that could contribute to high PO4: Overstocking Overfeeding or feeding the wrong things Inadequate cleanup crew Inefficient protein skimmer Not enough flow Using...
  5. promisetbg

    Fish stocking/addition question

    It should be fine to add the fish as long as your tank's parameters are in check. I urge you to do some research on your 'blenny' which is in fact not a blenny at all. This is one of the unfortunate misnomers of the hobby. The scooter is a dragonet, and needs live copepods. I would fear the new...
  6. promisetbg

    Valentini Puffer looks skinny

    PO4 is phosphates. It should be 0.
  7. promisetbg

    can't seem to keep a snail

    You should be using a refractometer to test you SG. If you are using a hydrometer, it could be far from accurate. As stated 1.022 is too low. What is the temperature, and what type of snails are you trying to keep? You should also be using RO/DI water..not tapwater. There are metals, phosphates...
  8. promisetbg

    Brown Algae???

    Originally Posted by peter1215 does seachem make anything that can kill greenhair algae? You can use a phosphate eliminator such as phosguard, purapad... You need to look at it from the other direction..what is causing the HA? Most likely PO4,[phosphates} you need to test, using a good test kit...
  9. promisetbg

    Valentini Puffer looks skinny

    Puffers need shelled food items to help keep their beak honed down.They can also can come in with internal parasites. Feeding a puffer a piece of shrimp once a week is far from enough, and mysis although not a substantial enough meal for them. Flake is useless. You can get different...
  10. promisetbg

    Instant ocean salt vs reef crystals

    Reef Crystals has a higher concentration of CA, Alk. & Mg and trace elements..better for a reef. Instant Ocean is ok for FO, I don't recommend it for reeftanks.
  11. promisetbg

    Striped fang blennie question??? (pic inc)

    If they feel threatened, they can bite the inside of the mouth of your other fish. They are venomous.
  12. promisetbg

    Brown Algae???

    It's a normal phase of a new tank, it should soon give way to green film algae.
  13. promisetbg

    Concerning feather dusters...

    It will be hard to keep it healthy in a 3 gal tank. They need a high count of phytoplankton in the water.
  14. promisetbg


    Often yellow tangs become territorial and do not like any newcomers. How big is your tank?
  15. promisetbg

    New 75 gallon reef!

    Swallowtails get nowhere near as large as a copperband butterfly. You may have not seen the adult size of either. I work with them, that's "where on earth" I got the idea. Not all fish are the same ..true. Notice I said the flame "can" and the "most likely will" part was just my opinion, which I...
  16. promisetbg

    Keeping Snails

    There is a silent killer of snails as well. Many tanks have them, and their keepers keep blaming hermits and are none the wiser. It is a common hitchiker known as a polyclad flatworm. They can scruntch up unnoticable under rocks by day, but at night they go on the prowl for their prey. They can...
  17. promisetbg

    Keeping Snails

    What type of snails? What is your temp? Nitrates, phosphates,PH, Alk?
  18. promisetbg

    New 75 gallon reef!

    10 fish in a 75 is overstocked. The yellow tang can get as big as a dinner plate, and needs more than 4 ft of swimming room. A Magnificent foxface gets bigger than that. I just placed one in a customer's 125, and he almost looks cramped. Fromia starfish can be difficult to acclimate, and I...
  19. promisetbg

    Can you frag a Duncan?

    Be certain that the polyp is in tact, partial polyps or ones that are cut open will die.{they need their gut to eat}
  20. promisetbg

    New 75 gallon reef!

    Now that was'nt very nice. I am being honest..& gave some other options to consider.