Search results

  1. wolffam

    Another ID

    Tank is begining to show all kinds of life. Discover two of these last night and tonight. It appears to be a blackish slug looking thing, covered with specs of sand, rock crust, etc as though it was stuck only in certain places. No two pieces seem to touch another. It doesn't appear to move...
  2. wolffam

    New thing to ID

    Please help ID this new discovery. I have found what appears to be several tentacles sticking out from a piece of my LR. Clear to white in color. They stay out all the time appearing to reach and feel area around it. Can someone ID this?
  3. wolffam

    What is better for reef... Sand or crushed Coral?

    Go with about 4"-5" of LS, it'll help control the nitrates.
  4. wolffam


    Look for R/O water at your local Wal-Mart if possible. It's an option that is less than purchasing and making your own R/O at this time. Hope this is useful.
  5. wolffam

    Wondering about an octopus in reef tank

    An octopus would hunt and eat all the fish and critters in your tank, probably within te first night. After rearranging the rock to suit it's wants, it would then look to escape the tank through whatever opening you might have. Needless to say, if successful in the escape, it'd end up dead on...
  6. wolffam

    something in my liverock?

    It's a feather duster. I have several that seemed to have shown up after a while. Just spotted another on last night.
  7. wolffam

    Salt Mix

    Which is the salt of choice? Why is this choice best for you? I currently have been using IO, but the LFS that is helping with the corals I'm adding suggest switching to Kent Marine. His tanks do look great!
  8. wolffam

    turbo snail

    You said that the water wa perfect. I'm assuming then that your phosphates are near zero. I had this same thing happen to two different sets of three snails. I wasn;t testing for phosphates ate the time. All other water test were perfect. I discovered that I had high phosphates at the time...
  9. wolffam

    Yes, another lighting question. Don't hate me

    The wattage is based on the type ballast that it has. If the ballast has a rating for 2 - 40w lamps then this is all that it will work with. Putting a higher wattage will prevent the ballast from providing the power needed to operate the 110w lamps at their maximum. Most standard fixture that...
  10. wolffam

    Invert Packages...Combination ?

    I have a simple questions that I'd like some opinions on...I have heard and seen many different answers to invert critters that seem to be included in differed invert packages. Sally's, CBS, Arrowcrab, Emerald just to name a few. Some have problems with these, others have them co-existing in...
  11. wolffam

    Tank cycling?

    I agree with BurnNSpy, sounds like your LR was cured. Add a small hardy fish and wait a couple if days to test. Patience is the key. We would all like to load the tank up the day we get the water, but waiting helps to insure success.
  12. wolffam

    LR filtration

    I've had two types if skimmers, the air pump & ventura type. I prefer the ventura type over the air type. Both do remove waste, but the air type requires that the air stone be clean and functioning properly. I have more work to do pn the air type, but it's not much of a problem. Just my...
  13. wolffam

    Sally Lightfoot's

    How many can be kept in a 135 gallon set up safely?
  14. wolffam

    Pre-mixed or doing it myself?

    Have a LFS that will pre-mix R/O with salt mix. Add buffers and calcium supplements if required adjust salinity and sell it for $1.00 / gallon. Is this a better option than purchasing my own R/O filter and mixing it myself? Average use will be about 50 gallons a month.
  15. wolffam

    Water Change Process

    When changing the water. What method would be safer for the inhabitants? Removing all the water to be changes at once, exposing water is at the top of the tank. Or partial change and add until the whole amount has been done, preventing exposure of things at the top? Looking for opinions.
  16. wolffam

    BurnNSpys Reef is online - finally

    Congradulations on getting it online. Great tank. Looking forward to seeing more.
  17. wolffam

    Fine White Dots? Cloudy Water

    Are these dots floating or attached to the glass? If floating, possible that the dot are small air bubbles generated from the powerheads pulling in small ammounts of air. I had what seems to be what you are discribing. Turned out that I was pulling a small amount in air from my sump...
  18. wolffam

    marine betta

    Been told that the Marine Bettas like the smaller shrimp and crabs if you have them. Should do well in a FO with nothing smaller than the Betta
  19. wolffam

    new tank cycling-- can i add invertebrates?

    Wait until the cycle is complete and water parameters are stable. The inverts don't do well when the levels are spiking, much less running through the cycle. Patience is the key to being successful in the hobby.
  20. wolffam

    Getting the Eel out

    From what I have heard, other than removing the rock, you may have to keep trying for quite a while to catch him. Like most fish, you have to be patient when trying to catch them. I have seen a plastic beaker, the kind used in photography or chemistry that are long tubes basically. Try...