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  1. drew2005

    Help with Idenifying weird bubbles, algae?

    Are you sure its purple bubbles and not clear bubbles on top of purple algae? Reason I ask is because cyanobacteria(red slime algae) could be purple and it produces bubble that sit right on it. Any way to get a closer picture?
  2. drew2005

    Help with Idenifying weird bubbles, algae?

    Are you sure the bubbles are purple and its not clear bubbles on top of purple algae? Reason i ask is because cyanobacteria(red slime algae) could be purple and it often produces bubbles and they stick right on the algae. Any way to get a closer picture of the area?
  3. drew2005

    High Calicum

    Originally Posted by marsmaster The water that i have at our house already has a high level of calicum should i be concerned about high levels, or should i not worry about it? I'd be more concerned about the other contaminates in your water. Have you tested for anything else? How high is the...
  4. drew2005

    My tank pics

    nice tank!
  5. drew2005

    Best kind of Salt Mix??

    I use Tropic Marin Pro. I switched from Red Sea about 2 months ago. My corals look much better with the TM Pro.
  6. drew2005

    New R/O unit ??'s

    Originally Posted by tschubert I recently purchased and installed a Kent RO35 Hiscl 35 GPD, and installed. I am currently only getting approximately 1.5-2 gallons / day through the unit. I installed it yesterday, and it seemed that it was at least an hour until I got even a drip out of it. I...
  7. drew2005

    How do you start syphon?

    Originally Posted by Laxzach Nevermind I figured it out. glad to help
  8. drew2005

    How do you start syphon?

    Originally Posted by Laxzach I am setting my sump up but I dont know how to start the syphon for the overflow box. Is it a U-Tube?
  9. drew2005

    Dumb question---HALIDE

    Originally Posted by Glibgoat yesterday I purhcased my first set of halides. Everything looks much brighter and healthier! My tank is a 65 g, with the divider in the middle of the tank. This was to hold the glass tops. However it is causing a big shadow to go down the middle of my tank. Is it ok...
  10. drew2005

    RO unit

    I'm happy with my Kent Maximma Hi-S 60gpd 4 stage with pressure gauge.
  11. drew2005

    75g Questions

    Just picked up a used 75g AGA reef ready and i have a couple questions....Bear with me im new to reef ready tanks. #1 - Which hole is for the return and which is for the drain? One hole is 1.5" The other is 1.75" #2 - What size return pump would you recommend for this tank? I was thinking Mag 7...
  12. drew2005

    New Refugium

    I cant really help ya out but im about to upgrade my 46 to a 75 and im looking to put a 20 or 30 gallon sump fuge combo. Im building my own stand to accomodate everything. Check out this thread. Scroll down to the bottom. This is the design im looking to do...
  13. drew2005

    Gas bubbles?

    Originally Posted by wisegoob I stir the bed to move any algae that has grown around. I only do it once or twice a week, only when i see an area that my sandsifting fish dont get to for a while. Would having a refugium help reduce the bubbles? I dont have one of those yet, but i am...
  14. drew2005

    Gas bubbles?

    Originally Posted by SigmaChris Not to steal the thread, but what about bubbles on the LR? Is this normal or a sign of too much CO2? I think its pretty much the same thing. Sometimes bubbles get stuck on the underside of LR. Are these bubble on top of algae on the rock or just the rock itself?
  15. drew2005

    Gas bubbles?

    Originally Posted by wisegoob Hi all! Im getting small gas bubbles in my sand bed and dont really know what they are. Im hoping they arent detrimental :scared: . When i stir the sand bed up, release the bubbles from underneath, they come back in just a few hours. I dont have undergravel...
  16. drew2005

    75 gallon AGA reef ready tank F/S in NJ

    Thanks Joe. Nice meeting you
  17. drew2005

    Used Tank Question

    Originally Posted by GeriDoc It doesn't matter. Thanks
  18. drew2005

    Used Tank Question

    Originally Posted by GeriDoc Vinegar is fine - rinse thoroughly. Do i need to mix it with tap water or can i use straight vinegar?
  19. drew2005

    Used Tank Question

    Just picked up a 75g reef ready AGA. Is it ok to use distilled white vinegar to clean it up? If so, should i mix it with tap water?
  20. drew2005

    new LPS

    candy cane