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  1. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    Ya I always see dead fish floating around in the lfs tanks
  2. kylev

    Red coris wrasse funny story

    Sweet, I'm gonna get one. Any possibility his cleaning could scratch arcylic? Only asking cause it seems anything i do scratches it
  3. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    thanks tangs rule. I do think I'll run carbon in the tank and if I have a need to medicate I will just remove it at that point, because I'll be doing hypo over copper so the carbon could stay in for that treatment. I'm also kind of confused when you say you use fresh salt water and wait a week...
  4. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    It will be used as a qt tank for new additions. My 280g has alot of stocking left to go
  5. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    The flame didnt make it through the day. I plan on draining the QT and also moving it further away from the DT sump because I'm concerned with cross contamination and never thought much of it when I intially set up the QT (this is my first qt). I'm going to fill the QT with water from the DT but...
  6. kylev

    Red coris wrasse funny story

    thats funny, its making me lean more towards getting a red coris myself
  7. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    I've actually been doing exactly that. I have a gallon jug in my top off water that i've been using. My flame tonight is doing horrible though. Last night he was active and swimming and ate a little bit. Tonight when i got home from work he was laying on his side. After watching him for a while...
  8. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    Thanks sepulation I'll use that adivice. Last night I dropped it from 1.24 to 1.21 and i did a 10g w/c tonight dropping it to 1.19. Now I'm just trying to think of how to dribble it since the top of the qt is almost 4.5 feet tall
  9. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    I'm starting hypo tonight and figure it'll just might take me an extra day to get the levels where I want them so I can drop the salinity in 6-8 w/c's
  10. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    So I havnt started hypo yet, since I was still testing .25 am this wknd and thought it would be better for the flame to have good readings before adding any stress the hypo could bring. After looking at the flame tonight I noticed quite a few real small white salt looking spots on his body. You...
  11. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    My PH in that tank usually test around 8.0. I check it a lot since I'm always doing w/c's. I do like the crushed coral idea, thanks
  12. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    I'm thinking about switching out the emperor angel off the list to a saddleback butterfly. Does anyone have any experience with them and know if they'd leave my mushrooms alone?
  13. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    That's nice to hear, plus these triggers are too expensive to risk having them in a 55g qt that can't keep up with their waste and needs.
  14. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    The QT still has a flame angel in it thats going to need to be in there for a couple more weeks. So I'm pondering the idea of trusting aqua touchs qt process and adding them straight to the DT. Because of how much waste they produce and I'm worried about the qt staying stable and i've heard very...
  15. kylev

    280g FOWLR Tank Diary

    I just heard from Aquatouch and my crosshatch pair arrived at their facility a day ago and so far they seem to be doing real good. Now I just need to wait for them to finish their QT process.
  16. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    Sepulatian- The spots on the fish did look like lumpy bits of cotton as well. I moved it to the LFS cause I was concerned for the health of the flame angel and I was worried about the cb taking him down with it. The flame did seem to be bullying him a little bit but it wasnt to excessive by any...
  17. kylev

    ICH/Lymphocyctis Help Plz

    Over the christmas wknd the cb crapped his brains out and caused an ammonia spike, hes now moved to the LFS where my buddy is going to nurse him back to health and I'll either pick him up later or get a different fish. My question now is how long shoud the flame angel remain in the tank? It's...
  18. kylev

    Harlequin Tuskfish and Arcylic

    Thanks for the replies....even though I now regret going arcylic more yet
  19. kylev

    Harlequin Tuskfish and Arcylic

    thanks for the info. I'll never go arcylic again its way too hard to clean w/out scratching the inside of it.
  20. kylev

    Harlequin Tuskfish and Arcylic

    Does anyone have any success stories with keeping a harlequin tusk in an arcylic tank without having him scratch the inside with his teeth? I've read a few horror stories but am curious if its a hit and miss cause I think I'm willing to risk it but dont want to add him if its definite...