Search results

  1. andymi

    Recommendation for next coral...

    What type are you looking for? Hard Corals, soft corals? How much light do you have for your tank? Personally I like Blastomussa which are really cool, I have a sinulaxis which is all right, but not my favorite. Although a really cool item I have is my capnella and my pulsing xenia. Just be...
  2. andymi

    Feather Duster or other worm type?

    All, Last night sitting in front of my aquarium staring at everything for an hour or so as I do every night, I looked in a crevice(sp) and saw a worm. It looked like maybe it had a small feather duster type head to it. I broke out my flashlight and it seemed to retract into itself and go back...
  3. andymi

    ro units

    I use UltraReef and it works pretty good. Mine is only a 20gpd that hooks up to the faucet. Whatever you decide to get, get something with more horsepower as my 20gpd would be lucky to really produce 20gallons, and when they mean per day, they mean more like > 24 hrs :) --Andy
  4. andymi

    I need a sump

    There are many DIY sump projects out there on the web. You could easily make one out of an existing fish tank some extra cut glass or something similar some pvc, hoses and a pump. Check around, there are a lot of DIY projects at --Andy
  5. andymi

    Another VHO vs PC question

    It all depends on what you want to keep in the tank. If it is a fish only tank or a reef tank with low-light critters you should be ok. If you start adding clams or other inverts that need more light you may use a combination of PC and VHO like a lot of people do or just VHO like I do , or a...
  6. andymi

    putting Plenum into the tank

    If you cannot find the southdown sand I would recommend maybe using the CaribSea brand of aragonite. I personally use a plenum system and layered it with CaribSea special grade. It is supposed to solve multiple purposes. 1. It is your substrate. 2. (From what I have read) When the aragonite...
  7. andymi

    Help save a gentle giant

    Considering the moving stresses the fish out more and since bill believes it is a sort of depression, and if you think the fish looks normal, I would put him back in the 55 gallon and let him get used to his new home and comfortable as Bill stated. No use in moving him around every other day...
  8. andymi

    red slime sludge

    Have you measured your phosphates? If not that would be the first step. If the phosphates are high, then take action against them. Otherwise, If they are low I would probably reduce the amount of time your lights are on for now. How long has your tank been up? What size is it and what type of...
  9. andymi

    can you overskim your tank?

    I have seen many reef tanks thrive for years without ever using a skimmer, and some were the most beautiful I have ever seen. Granted I have not been in the hobby for that long, but some experts say use a skimmer, and others dont. I think it depends on the number of fish and such you have in the...
  10. andymi

    reef book recommendations

    The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner The above book was absolutely fantastic. I use it quite often, it has a lot of information and covers a lot of species. --andy
  11. andymi

    No Protein Skimmer - Is this possible?

    Yellow water? What size are your tanks? I have a 70 gallon and I have let mine go 3 weeks (I dont normally because of my setup) and I have never had yellow water. I utilize one of the oldest systems in this hobby. UGF with frequent water changes. Although I have thought about a protein skimmer...
  12. andymi

    White spots on Clown

    Do you have any cleaner shrimp in your tank? I have two tangs and my hippo tang seems to have spots on him quite often. Usually just a couple when the temp in the tank happens to go high due to high temperatures outside and my a/c not pulling its weight, but the cleaner shrimp takes care of it...
  13. andymi

    Just starting out

    Yep, will most likely be cloudy for a couple days depending on your filtration system. Give some stats on your tank, and keep everyone posted :) --Andy
  14. andymi

    Just starting the new tank Please help me!!!

    Sometimes it takes a while. You will hear this 100 times over. This hobby takes patience. From the very start on out, always be patient and never ever rush putting things into your tank. If you rush, you will lose more money. It may not be much to look at in the beginning , but the long term...
  15. andymi

    No Protein Skimmer - Is this possible?

    There are different schools of thought on this subject. Some of the more recent articles and books will say a protein skimmer is necessary. I personally do not use one and follow the methods that Mr. Perrin and the folks at another fish store use. UGF with regular water changes. They have no...
  16. andymi

    Is this too much????

    I have heard that when you add them initially (the damsels) they can be a problem. The cycling process sometimes makes them a little psychotic. I would probably wait until after the tank has cycled before adding them if you wish. I have 2 green chromis that were in my tank after cycling and they...
  17. andymi

    aragaMight & Clams

    Just curious as I just picked up a Derasa clam this weekend. I have a 70 gallon tank and the clam is probably less than 6" from the water top and maybe 9-10" from the actual lights. I have 440watts of VHO, I blue actinic and 3 50/50's. I know they need a lot of light, but I also read teh Derasa...
  18. andymi

    PC's cooking my tank

    I would see how much water circulation you have across the surface and make sure your heater is not too high. I was running around 82 degrees, bought a little RIO 150 I believe and used it just to break up the surface water a bit and increase evaporation. I also turned my heater down to about...
  19. andymi

    How to prevent Ick?

    I think cleaner shrimp are fantastic especially in pairs. These little things work their tails off. I have two tangs and on occassion I will see what looks like a few white spots on the fish at night, and in the morning they are gone. One night the blue tang had about 10 and I was getting ready...
  20. andymi

    Disappearing Green Chromis?

    I lost one during vacation as well. It just vanished, and I have covers on everything. Then next thing you know 1 (from a pair) of skunk clowns dissapeared. Then the other night I was looking for the second and saw him swimming and breathing fast with part of his tail missing. I am not sure who...