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  1. tdog7879

    Royal Blue Uchrin????

    Originally Posted by nycbob i hv two in my reef. they dont eat the corals but will pick them up if loose. my 2 tuxedo urchins havent bothered any coraline algae either, but will eat cyano and algae off of rocks. I hope mine does the same they are a very cool critter!!! how big do they get?
  2. tdog7879

    Royal Blue Uchrin????

    they also are called blue tuxedo. Well they bother any corals(like eat them)?
  3. tdog7879

    Royal Blue Uchrin????

    Does anybody have one of these? do they strip the coraline off your rock? I pick a real small one up yesterday hoping he would eat the coraline off the glass walls (back and some of the sides covered). So far he was on the glass but just looked and he has gone to the rocks.
  4. tdog7879

    Duncans... Is it a good price??

    How much did you end up paying?? my LFS has them 20 buck a head.
  5. tdog7879

    How To Raise Your Alk ????

    Originally Posted by florida joe I am by no means knowledgeable enough on this subject to start quoting grafts and charts but I would first get your calcium level closer to 500 then attack your alkalinity problem Isn't 500 a little to high my goal is ca 420-440 with alk 3-4 meg.
  6. tdog7879

    How To Raise Your Alk ????

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy For reference I wanted to add that 1 teaspoon of Baking soda (or reef builder) will raise the Alkalinity of 20 gallons 1 Meq/L. You're trying to do it slowly and that's what you want, perhaps you just need to bump the dosage up slightly. it says to add half a...
  7. tdog7879

    How To Raise Your Alk ????

    UM anybody?
  8. tdog7879

    How To Raise Your Alk ????

    I can't seem to get my alk above 2.3 meg. I have been adding seachem reef builder (raises carbonate alkalinity) as directed and it doesn't seem to raise it. I use redsea alk test . Im trying to get the alk 3-4meg. could it be the CA level is around 410-420 do i need to raise my CA levels to...
  9. tdog7879

    Cyano In The Sump????

    Originally Posted by chilwil84 make sure you clean the filter sock every 2-3 days. it may be creating more nitrates than the macro can remove. dont remember if you said wat type of macro you have but if its chaeto be sure to roll the ball over whenever you change your sock to allow other parts...
  10. tdog7879

    Cyano In The Sump????

    Originally Posted by Mr_X if it's on the macros it will choke them out. shake the macros clean of it and then increase the flow in there. Thanks x should i take my filter sock off because that will increase the flow? or put a little PH in there?
  11. tdog7879

    Cyano In The Sump????

  12. tdog7879

    Cyano In The Sump????

    I have some in the sump and the fuge mostly on the walls and some on the baffles also it looks like there is some on the macro??? mostly look like little bubbles. Anyways is it ok if there is cyano in the sump? there is none in the main tank just a little bit if hair alage patches on the rock...
  13. tdog7879

    Got A Couple Of Frags Need Some Names

    any names for the ric,acan.......and the orange feathery coral
  14. tdog7879

    Got A Couple Of Frags Need Some Names

    im really mess up...sorry
  15. tdog7879

    Got A Couple Of Frags Need Some Names

    Sorry here are the rest
  16. tdog7879

    Got A Couple Of Frags Need Some Names

    Pick these up today Really need to no about the orange frag in the center of the zoos. IT WAS A FREEBIE! Also some names for the other ones. THANKS
  17. tdog7879

    Help!!! I Think My Clown Fish Is Dieing

    update: when the light went off the clown fish went back to his normal hiding place. Does this mean that both clown fish where just fighting???
  18. tdog7879

    is anyone else really irked by this?

    Originally Posted by -Tara33- ya i see this mancard thing posted everywere it is kinda anoying, even tho im not sure what it is...not very manly? you are defently not manly just a HOTTIE
  19. tdog7879

    Ich The Nemisis Extraordinaire

    Originally Posted by lionpaw38 I think the supplements are a good idea at any feeding which I do....and that would be correct on boosting their immune systems as a method of prevention. althought the metronidazole ( Fish Zole ) is an antibiotic that will kill the parasite. Also its the...
  20. tdog7879

    Help!!! I Think My Clown Fish Is Dieing

    Originally Posted by Beth So have you identified the aggressor. You do need to treat the ich. So, what are you willing to do to accomplish that? The aggressor apears to be the other clown fish......the trigger had ick about 3months ago and it went away and now it is back. Last time i used...