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  1. tdog7879


    + 1 one the alage blenny very interesting fish. I just got one the other day
  2. tdog7879

    Emerald Crab????'s

    Originally Posted by meowzer Is there something that you have to do to keep an emerald crab? Everyone I have had has died!! how did you introduce them?
  3. tdog7879

    My Nucluar Green Palys Won't Open??

    no big changes ....i have been battling a small hair alage problem but there is no alage on that frag. i have never done the idione treatment how does that work and what should i get?
  4. tdog7879


    Then keep you calcium levels up 400-440 and you alk around 3-4 meg
  5. tdog7879

    My Nucluar Green Palys Won't Open??

    it has only been 24hrs they have been shut all of my other corals are doing fine. I have ahd them for about 2months there is only 4 heads on the frag and nothing apears to be messing with them. Need so help!!!!!! Thanks
  6. tdog7879


    Originally Posted by evanjah ok heres the problem. I have a 92 gallon corner tank. 2-3 inches of sand 100 lbs of live rock. I have a foxfacerabbitfish, a orange spotted rabbitfish, and a orange shoulder tang, and a fimbriated eel. a long spine urchin some conchs, a few turbo snails and about...
  7. tdog7879

    anybody use ALGAEFIX?

    here a question.....if your running a refugium would the alagefix kill the macro-alage in the fuge??
  8. tdog7879

    Red Sea Prizm Skimmer MOD HELP!!!

    be real careful with this skimmer they will flood. I would go to sleep and the next moring my carpet was soaked. anyways to help with your problem keep the water level right at the begining of the riser tube.
  9. tdog7879

    anybody use ALGAEFIX?

    Originally Posted by BLAZEHOK68 tank is 120 gallons 100lbs lr 100lbs ls 1 hippo tang 2 false perc clowns 1 royal gramma 1 cherub angel 1 small fish i dont know what it is various snails and hermits sea hare queen conch ( which i havent seen in a while) took some water to the lfs and had them...
  10. tdog7879

    Cyano...I don't get it.

    do you use R/O water? do you have a refugium in your sump?
  11. tdog7879

    Sand sifting starfish

    i have one in my 80 gal but i do have a DSB it does it job!
  12. tdog7879

    Is My Lfs Cazy Or What?

    the last pic. they call it a tricolor acropora
  13. tdog7879

    Is My Lfs Cazy Or What?

    it doess not give detailed info. just says one? I would post the website but i waould get in trouble i think.
  14. tdog7879

    Is My Lfs Cazy Or What?

    Im not sure if this is ok but my LFS has it's own website and they had these corals for sell $599.99 $999.99 $999.99 Are those prices right or are they crazy??
  15. tdog7879

    Plaxico "Dumb"ess...

    Originally Posted by bigarn Maybe he will finally get his act together. I don't think it will be with the Giants though. He's a good athlete .... it's really a shame. yeah maybe he will come home and play for the redskins!!! We need him!
  16. tdog7879

    Plaxico "Dumb"ess...

    Originally Posted by bigarn $$$$ .... lots and lots of $$$$. some can handle it, some can't. evidently he can't. he was likenow he is like
  17. tdog7879

    Plaxico "Dumb"ess...

    I went to highschool with him and was a good guy i have no idea what has happen to him
  18. tdog7879


    Originally Posted by ophiura Sorry, my post is to the original starter of the thread. gotcha
  19. tdog7879


    Originally Posted by ophiura Seriously. YOu MUST keep a very close eye on pH, alk and calcium dosing all that stuff. YOu could be playing russian roulette if you are not and just continue dosing. I definitely wouldn't dose iodine - at least not without testing for it. What is your magnesium...
  20. tdog7879


    here is a before and after shot of my tank its about 2months different and only i have been drip kalkwasser for about 3 weeks it really a after and before