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  1. tdog7879


    Originally Posted by evanjah should i stop the other crap and just use kalkwasser i would say yes to the purple up. Im not a expert but you might want to get better lighting. Is it a reef? The kalkwasser will maintain your calcium levels but if there no corals then i wouldn't worry about .how...
  2. tdog7879

    Bad algee problem in my aggressive tank

    Originally Posted by nickz24ninja I am fairly new at salt water keeping i do not know what cuc is.... I used tap water, i fill up a five gallon bucket put a power head in it and add tap water conditioner let it sit for two days then add salt let it sit for a day test it and add it at night...
  3. tdog7879


    i ahd the same problem till i starting drip kalkwasser now the coraline has really taken off
  4. tdog7879

    Anyone else got Blackberry Storm?

    Originally Posted by DeMartini I don't really like it. I had the hardest time texting on it. Why? everone is leaning away from this phone .....and i going to get it for x-mas. should i back off?
  5. tdog7879

    Frezels 120 Gallon Reef Tank

    Originally Posted by tdog7879 How do you keep the glass so clean??? Nice tank no coraline alage. You got to tell me how you do it.
  6. tdog7879

    Frezels 120 Gallon Reef Tank

    How do you keep the glass so clean??? Nice tank
  7. tdog7879

    Your favorite reef on

    I would have to say NYCBOB and MR_X tanks and........MINE
  8. tdog7879

    Hairy mushroom dying?

    Originally Posted by Anonome The first pic has me somewhat concerned. It appears that you have slime algae, or cyanobacteria. This alone will kill corals, and will quickly over take them. The algae will quickly consume the oxygen levels in the tank. It is a very aggressive bacteria. Have you...
  9. tdog7879

    All in one Sump build question

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller Okay sweet that the setup I'm going to use then. As far as lights go what do you guys recommend? I feel iffy about led's for some reason but am not against using them if thats what you guys suggest. Plus I'd like it to be sleek because it will be visible from...
  10. tdog7879

    Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!

    IMO i would let nature take it course and let it go. Don't add any chemicals,no more fish,inverts,even LR and just let it go for a couple more week and see if your fish make it. If they don't remove them and wait and slowly add some CUC then 1-2 fish. Think of it this way the only thing you...
  11. tdog7879

    Blue Throat Trigger=Mentally Insane???

    i had a male bluejaw and it jump out So i got a female allthough not a nice looking she is very clam and turns color when she gets excited. Also i have seen her nip at one of my palythos and back off and never seen her mess with any other corals. I do have to feed her when adding new corals or...
  12. tdog7879

    Anyone else got Blackberry Storm?

    Originally Posted by Ray J Neal I already was paying 15/mo for unlimited data usage on my lg. It was an additional 15/mo (30/mo total) for this phone. I definantly have NO regrets. Yes it is buggy right now, but there is an update coming within the week. why 30 cause im payying 15 for...
  13. tdog7879

    Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!

    how long has the tank been setup for???
  14. tdog7879

    Help Me Id Please?????

    not really sure look like some type of feather culpra but you got alot of aptasia in there. Sorry im non spelling dude
  15. tdog7879


    just trying to give them something to compare to
  16. tdog7879


    they look more like these but im still not sure what there name is
  17. tdog7879


    Originally Posted by frezel they are gorilla nipples not really a great pic but this is what gorilla nipples look like
  18. tdog7879

    Marineland 100 Skimmer???????

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 your using a 20g long as your sump right tdog? would a reef octo nw110 fit in there do you think? As long as you layout your baffles for it....i don't see why not i think it is 9x7 footprint for that skimmer
  19. tdog7879

    Marineland 100 Skimmer???????

    Originally Posted by tdog7879 I will try posting some pics later on! here is a pic. of the skimmer in action. sorry it took so long for the pic my harddrive crash on my laptop and i lost all of my pics and i just got it back. Anyways i just clean the cup here is the pic
  20. tdog7879

    Anyone else got Blackberry Storm?

    Originally Posted by Ray J Neal I got mine three days ago and I really like it so far. Mind you this is my first blackberry or any other type of smartphone for that matter. You really can not beat Verizon's network or customer service (IME). Sure, the phone has little quirks with the OS...