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  1. tdog7879

    Light Upgrade!!!!!!coral Question???/

    Originally Posted by big I have the pro.. The 80 is a deeper tank than my 72 I think..... But the Pro will keep most anything you want to keep higher up....... When I first had mine I cut back for the first few weeks....... It is a pretty bright set of 6 bulbs How deep is your 72?
  2. tdog7879

    Light Upgrade!!!!!!coral Question???/

    Originally Posted by m0nk What wattage are the bulbs? If they're high enough wattage you might be able to do SPS high up, and very likely LPS anywhere in the tank (some require more light and will need to be higher, but many can be mid-low light). 54 watt each bulb
  3. tdog7879

    Light Upgrade!!!!!!coral Question???/

    any LPS or SPS?
  4. tdog7879

    Light Upgrade!!!!!!coral Question???/

    Also should i cut back on the light schedule? Iwas running 4 t-5 without individual reflectors i had them on for 8 hours a day
  5. tdog7879

    Light Upgrade!!!!!!coral Question???/

    Today i pick up a 4" NOVA EXTREME PRO it has 6 t-5 bulbs with 2 fans. I got it at my LFS for 379.00 . Hope that was a good deal. Anyways i just wanted to get your opinions on what corals i could get in my 80 gal tall (26" with a 5" sandbed). Thanks
  6. tdog7879

    How To Remove Pulsing Xenia?

    Originally Posted by T316 Just pull the stalks out by hand, or cut it. Either way, most likely you are not totally removing it, but it will take time for it come back. As mentioned, try to sell what you take out, there are buyers out there. A lot of people can't seem to keep it, but others of...
  7. tdog7879

    How To Remove Pulsing Xenia?

    So my xenia is starting to grow wild in my tank!! I have some that is getting ready to attach itself to the back glass but i want to cutback on the rest hoe would i do this?
  8. tdog7879

    stumped on red slime...little confused

    i had the same problem for like a month so i tryed the chem clean and it work for about a week, so i did 10 gal a week water chage(80 gal) and added a 20 gallon sump with a refugium and with in a week or so it was all gone even the alage on the back of the tank glass went away. I also made a DIY...
  9. tdog7879

    Top Off Water ??????

    Originally Posted by T316 Not saying drip system is bad, but auto top off has less chances of a flood. With auto top off, the pump only kicks in and fills up when the level in the sump goes to low, and if the swith did malfunction, it can only dump in whatever is in the topoff tank. With drip...
  10. tdog7879

    Top Off Water ??????

    Originally Posted by T316 First off, do you test for these things, and know that you are deficient in both of them? Never add anything that you don't test for on a regular basis. Second, I'm not a big fan of the "drip" method. Why not just have a topoff tank with a float valve that will auto...
  11. tdog7879

    Top Off Water ??????

    I am thinking of getting a 5 or 10 gallon tank and set up some kinda of drip system to my sump. So my question is... in the top off tank can i add my calcium buffer and my PH buffer in this tank? can i add them them together or do it at different times???
  12. tdog7879

    Skimmer question..

    Originally Posted by coastie81 that would work good. I have that one and it is still breaking in and it alread works better then my bakpak ever worked. just my .02 does it release micro bubbles back in the tank?
  13. tdog7879

    Skimmer question..

    what would be a good skimmer for a 80 gal???would the octopus bh800 work good?
  14. tdog7879

    agh red slime

    just do water changes it will go away... I used chemi clean before and it work but 2 weeks later it was back! Water changes!!!and keep on sucking the the slime up.
  15. tdog7879

    Euro-Reef CS6-1 protein skimmer

    how tall?
  16. tdog7879

    Euro-Reef CS6-1 protein skimmer

    whats the footprint on that?
  17. tdog7879

    Matching Overflow And Pump???????

    Originally Posted by natclanwy When using a HOB overflow you need to size your pump to 70-100% of the overflows rated capacity after you subtract for headloss. With a 1200gph overflow you need a pump than can return 850gph to 1200gph after headloss. The mag 12 will fall somewhere in the middle...
  18. tdog7879

    Matching Overflow And Pump???????

    So im think of getting a 1200 gph HOB overflow with dual overflows and a mag drive 1200 gph is this right? or should pump be more and the overflow be less or vise/versa?
  19. tdog7879

    id mushrooms & polyps

    button polyps they should get more green in the center mine grow pretty fast. I also have the same green mushroom not sure what the name is.
  20. tdog7879

    do copepods molt?

    I see the same thing too but im not sure