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  1. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    Originally Posted by Adairable ok stop your crying and tell me where to go to get some shrimps!!! and a good alk test The Reef has the best prices on test kits.You're going to have to wait on the shrimp though. The fish room wont open for another two weeks. Too bad you live in Manayunk, there...
  2. trainfever

    MH too close? PICS Inside

    Why not just bend the reflectors back a bit and mount the VHOs in front of them? The light will still be directed downwards.
  3. trainfever

    Breaker Question?

    Normally a 15 amp breaker is connected to 14 gauge wire and a 20 amp breaker is connected to 12 gauge wire. I would check the wire first to see if it is 12 gauge before hooking up a 20 amp breaker.
  4. trainfever

    The back wall, what color, blue, black or?

    PURPLE!!!! I was just wondering, since we all strive to get that Purple Coraline growing everywhere, especially on the back wall, has anyone ever considered painting the back wall purple or shades of purple and pink to create that coraline look? It seems we've always discussed whether we...
  5. trainfever

    My Golf Ball Collection!

    I agree, why live on a golf course? You want the beauty of the view but not what comes with it. If you drive the golfers away, the golf course goes out of business, sells the property, then more homes are built there. Now you have lost your beautiful view. As far as cameras, its a joke, you...
  6. trainfever

    what are the best return pumps?

    You have to go by what your drain can handle. I believe a 75 has a 1" bulkhead which can handle 600gph. If you get a pump that circulates more than that, you are looking for a flood. y recomendation for a 75 would be a Magdrive 7. They are rated at 700 gph but you will lose about 200 gph at a...
  7. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark I have a red brittle star. Very very cool kinda like an octopus when they move very quickly too. Only down side is mine has been in there for almost 2 months and until the last week or so the only indication I had that he was there was a tenticle tip seen every...
  8. trainfever

    MH Ballast

    what if you were to wire two 175s, or two 250s in series and then used a 400 watt ballast to light them, would it work?
  9. trainfever

    Not Fairr!!

    You shouldnt put the heater in the same chamber as the return pump because when the water evaporates, that is the first chamber to lose water level. You have to keep the water at a certain level with glass heater tubes.
  10. trainfever

    What's a frag worth? (Xenia)

    Normally the LFS will give you 1/3 of what they will sell an item for. Xenia goes for about 15 or 20 around here at the LFS.
  11. trainfever

    Some thoughts on flow, filtration, & maintenance......

    Sounds good but I think it would piss my 2 Engineer Gobies off.
  12. trainfever

    Forget nets, traps...

    Did you snag it or mouth hook it? What did you use for bait?
  13. trainfever

    Not Fairr!!

    Did you have the heater in the same chamber as the return pump?
  14. trainfever

    175 watt retro fit mh

    Is it 150 or 175? Either way, I'll give you 25 if it isnt working.
  15. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    Adair, I know you got a Xenia frag from Bone, I was wondering if it is pulsing for you? How much lighting do you have?
  16. trainfever


    Put it in a spot that has very high lighting and very low water flow.
  17. trainfever

    DIY ballast box

  18. trainfever

    Help Building A Sump

    If you want simple, then forget about baffles and silicone. Everyone makes too big a deal over them. The only use for baffles is to keep bubbles from getting pumped back into your display tank. Depending on the length of your sump, you can have your drain at one end and your return at the other...
  19. trainfever

    a piece of hair ?????

    for lack of a better word, poop.
  20. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    I think the key to Xenia pulsing is very low water movement and very high lighting. I had Xenia pulsing in my fuge which has very low movement but it stopped after a day because the lighting is very low.