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  1. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    Originally Posted by Adairable Well the first chamber that has the inlets would be empty....thats where the old filter is....and then I'd put the heater in there....I think??? You can put the heater in any of the chambers.
  2. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    My cube has 4 chambers, the first two had sponge filters in them. I removed the filters from the one and filled it with rubble rock. The third chamber had bio balls and ceramic rings which I also removed. The fourth is where the return pump is, and I also put the heater in there. Dont worry...
  3. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    In that case, I hope you get stung. Another thing, I just noticed. Is that your heater I see in the back right of the picture? If so, I would recommend removing the bioballs and putting your heater in that chamber. It will make your tank more visably pleasing not having to see the heater in...
  4. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    You could actually use more LR or stack what you have up higher in the back. Just be sure when you stack it that you leave room between the rocks for fish to swim through, dont make them fit like puzzle pieces. Dont be afraid to touch the rock, its not like the worms are sitting there waiting...
  5. trainfever

    DONE CYCLING ? pics inside

    I would wait another 2 weeks and then take the damsel ou and replace it with a fish you want, only one and then wait another monh before adding another fish. You have to wait for your bactria to grow and be able to support your bioload. Too many fish too fast and you will get a spike which could...
  6. trainfever


    Are you sure it is supposed to be inside the tank? I know they make small refugiums that hang on the back of the tank. They have small powerheads that pump water from the tank and then drains back into the tank. Some also come with small lights.
  7. trainfever

    My tank is a mess

    If it has been sitting for a week out of the tank, then just clean it real good and put it back in the tank, it is dead rock now and there is nothing on it to start a cycle.
  8. trainfever

    Sea Hair Question

    You could sell him back to LFS or lend him to a friend who may be battling hair algae. Some reef clubs share a Sea Hare between them. I have never heard of them going under the stand, but that doesnt mean they dont.
  9. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    No, dont break your liverock, you paid too much for it. Hold off and buy some rubblerock. It is the small pieces of liverock that breaks off during shipment. You can get that for 1.99 per pound. Also, I am in Northeast Philly, about 20-25 minutes from manayunk. That place you spoke about the...
  10. trainfever

    Pros and Cons on this design

    Chaeto doesnt necessarily have to have a fast fuge, it just has to be designed in a way that the Chaeto will tumble.
  11. trainfever

    Pros and Cons on this design

    A fuge is suppsed to have a slower flow rate, it gives the particles in the water a better chance to settle to the bottom rather then just be washed straight through, thus completely eliminating the full benefits of the refugium.
  12. trainfever


    The amount of water you lose depends on how fast of a drip you have. Make the knot tighter so that you have a slower drip. You can also get a single in line air valve to adjust the drip, thats what I do. You also have to wait about a month before adding more fish, you have to let the bacteria...
  13. trainfever

    snail question

    I have three Bumblebee snails in my 45 tank, amoung other snails. Every one in a while, I see all three together on he same rock in the same spot, must be some kind of regular meeting or get together. How long did you acclimate them? You didnt by any chance get them of the big auction site did you?
  14. trainfever

    Bristle worms good or bad?

    Try feeding your tank every other day, you dont have to feed every day.
  15. trainfever

    Dear Diary...

    I'm not certain but I think you have to introduce Coraline into your tank first. Maybe a small piece of liverock with some Coraline on it. You have to keep your calcium up also which should not be a problem since here is nothing in our tank drawing calcium. If you are interested in Xenia, I have...
  16. trainfever

    Bristle worms good or bad?

    If you are really concerned about Bristleworms, get a Banded Coral Shrimp, it will eat the Bristleworms.
  17. trainfever

    Got new tank still need some help

    Put the damsels in the sump. They will still start your cycle and you will still be able to easily get them out or just leave them in there.
  18. trainfever

    LFS near Philly...

    No, its not on the Blvd, it used to be in a shopping center that was behind the shopping center between Grant ave and Welsh Rd. They were destroyed by a fire flood a little over a year ago. They just reopened about 2 months ago but at a new location in Levitown, about 20 minutes from where they...
  19. trainfever

    Low pH

    I have a 12 Gal JBJ nano for sale, 100 bucks.