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  1. 8x8nhl

    BiG qUeStIon

    did you find mh?
  2. 8x8nhl

    BiG qUeStIon

    ya i have a canopy
  3. 8x8nhl

    BiG qUeStIon

    do you think i could keep bta's or other anemones?
  4. 8x8nhl

    BiG qUeStIon

    i can't do that im on a budget but what do you think i could keeep now?
  5. 8x8nhl

    BiG qUeStIon

    hey guys i was wondring what i could keep on my 75gal reef tank with 6x65wat pc's what can i keeep and what can i not keep? this is a link to the light page,31/
  6. 8x8nhl

    BiG qUeStIon

    hey guys i really need help on my lighting choice. because of were im putting the tank my parents say i can't get mh so i wanted to go with 6x65 wats for my 75 reef. what can i keep and what can i not keep i really want clams and anemones also guys would 3 2x96 wat pc retro kits let me keep...
  7. 8x8nhl

    tap water vs distilled water

    don't take the risk with tap water always use ro/di or distilled although distilled can sometimes be put in copper coils wich can poisen your tank
  8. 8x8nhl

    pc ligting question??

    Originally Posted by trimmer156 i am trying to decide on what light setup to use for a 37 show reef tank --- would 260w of pc lighting be overkill -- has to penetrate 22" or would a 150w mh and 65-96w pc work better --- according to the cost and heat transfer, it almost seems like the 260w pc...
  9. 8x8nhl

    well im not going to atlantas but.......

    one word awesome!
  10. 8x8nhl

    New 40 Gallon

    dude i sugest you do some REsearch befor you bought the tank can't have a school of fire fish unless you talin anout 3....
  11. 8x8nhl

    filteration and lighting question

    more oppinins?
  12. 8x8nhl

    filteration and lighting question

    so for filteration for a 75 reef i was thinking about doing a cascade1200 canister filter( i heard somewere canister filters are more for fresh?)and somthing with som bio filteration and a protine skimmer built in.will that be good? now for the lighting questions should i do 4x65 watt pcs or...
  13. 8x8nhl

    LiGhTiNg QuEsTiOn!!!!!!!!!

  14. 8x8nhl

    LiGhTiNg QuEsTiOn!!!!!!!!!

  15. 8x8nhl

    LiGhTiNg QuEsTiOn!!!!!!!!!

  16. 8x8nhl

    whats formula for fish per gallon

    well that would be 4 fish in a 29........ and the angle and the clown can get bigger than 3 in..... i think it would be ova stocked
  17. 8x8nhl

    LiGhTiNg QuEsTiOn!!!!!!!!!

  18. 8x8nhl

    Green bulbs growing on LR?

    do they look like little green ballons if so it's bubble alege= not good
  19. 8x8nhl

    Helpful spreadsheet...

    grats on puttin somthing like this together