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  1. confusedfishy

    magnificant foxface doing poorly suddenly?

    Unfortunately, my sweet fish died early tonight. I have no idea what happened. There were no markings, white or any kind on him. The only thing that was different was that his respitory actions were really hard. I fed him some flake and frozen mysis shrimp. I alternated them every other...
  2. confusedfishy

    Missing fish shows up

    I too hope to one day find my 3 missing emerald crabs. I bought the tank from a friend and for the first month the crabs were out alot, I could see them at least a few times a week...for the last month or so I haven't been able to find them! I would love to be amazed!
  3. confusedfishy

    magnificant foxface doing poorly suddenly?

    Okay-I have a reef tank with several corals but only a few fish. I have a very hardy older clown which I got with the purchase of my tank. I have had the tank since November, I have added some coral ever few weeks. I added a Magnificant Foxface in the first week of January. He took a few...
  4. confusedfishy

    feather duster problem!

    what does Ko mean? Sorry...
  5. confusedfishy

    A Debt of Gratitude!

    I really wanted to take a moment and say thank you to each and everyone of you that has helped me along my new scary and wonderful hobby! I swear sometimes I find myself dreaming of the aquarium I worry and think about it so often. It is amazing and fun but full of questions. My local store...
  6. confusedfishy

    feather duster problem!

    Okay-yesterday I bought a beautiful pink feather duster. It opened up this morning beautifully. A hour or so later it closed and hasn't come out, but I though okay it is still in shock and aclimating. Tonight, I noticed what I took and picture of and looks like it is torn about...
  7. confusedfishy

    feather duster problem!

    Okay-yesterday I bought a beautiful pink feather duster. It opened up this morning beautifully. A hour or so later it closed and hasn't come out, but I though okay it is still in shock and aclimating. Tonight, I noticed what I took and picture of and looks like it is torn about...
  8. confusedfishy

    Tangs in short tanks? What do you think?

    I have a 65 gallon aquarium 18"deep, 36"length, and 21" in height. I have been collecting corals for a while now but hardly have any fish-only a clown, magnificant foxface, and royal gramma. I am really want more reef safe fish. I would love to have a tang, I like many lfs advised...
  9. confusedfishy

    UV Sterilizer

    Where is the best place to put a UV Sterilizer? RIght now it has a dedicated pump in the SUMP.
  10. confusedfishy

    banded coral shrimp vs. Emerald Crabs

    I have a question for everyone- Do Banded Coral Shrimp eat Emerald Crabs? My lfs said it wouldn't but does it? If they don't what does eat them? I have lost 5 emerald crabs to something attacking them since Christmas... Any thoughts would be great and very much appreciated!!!
  11. confusedfishy

    Nitrates How High Is Too High?

    These items were mentioned to cause high nitrate earlier: can you give more specifics as to why? I need help with this too... Tank not fully cycled crushed coral versus sand substrate wet dry bio balls
  12. confusedfishy

    PhytoPlex-Good Food for Coral?

    I was wondering what everyone thought of a Kent Marine product for soft and hard corals. I have several corals and I am concerned about they getting what they need...Does anyone know about PhytoPlex by Kent Marine?
  13. confusedfishy

    feeding bubble and brain corals-help!

    I have a green bubble coral and a green open brain coral. I would like to supplement their diet but I am not sure exactly what to feed them and how? Any suggestions would be so appreciated!
  14. confusedfishy

    coral banded shrimp with cleaner shrimp

    I have one of each kind in my 65 gallon and they are okay. If the cleaner goes for food the other wants the banded will stop him but they are definately peaceful with each other. We love the banded shrimp, he is great to watch eat!
  15. confusedfishy

    tear in bubble coral

    Nope, I saw the fish grab the food which I am pretty sure tore teh flesh part. I just know some things send out toxins when they are sick or dying. thank you.
  16. confusedfishy

    tear in bubble coral

    What happens if a green bubble coral has a tear in it, I believe I have spotted a tear in the white part beneath the bubbles. I believe a fish pecked it trying to steal food during feeding time. Does it release toxins, die totally or partially? Is there any treatment?
  17. confusedfishy

    anemone problems

    This is the lighting that we have: Coralife Aqualife 150W It has 2 Royal Blue Coralife Compact Fluorescent (24") The bright light that has a seperate switch is a metal halide. We have it on the 24 hour cycle, with a bright light, daylight, and moonlight. Is it not enough? What I am lacking?
  18. confusedfishy

    anemone problems

    He did pick that spot himself, normally there is a rock on top of it, he stays squashed betweened the two. I took the top rock off for the pictures. I am not exactly sure what the water flow is there. Probably middle of the road, I have mushrooms near there that do not show much movement...
  19. confusedfishy

    anemone problems

    He is actually the same color as when I purchased him a little over month ago. Actually, my inexperience and excited picked him because he was more white than the other available. The others were cream colored, but the fish store said he was doing well so...What color do you think it should be...
  20. confusedfishy

    anemone problems

    For some reason last night I could not get the pictures to attach...I attached two tonight...