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  1. confusedfishy

    Ich in my tank and I don't know what to do?

    Yes, we can make the water here, thank goodness. Our water salinity is currently at 1.022 should I be raising it to 1.026 to begin or just start where we are? I am going to get the garlic and begin that process this afternoon too.
  2. confusedfishy

    Ich in my tank and I don't know what to do?

    We found one! It is supposed to be delivered on Wednesday. I will be praying for the fish until then. They are all swimming and eating just like always but the powder brown seems nervous and jumpy.-Swimming quickly around the tank all evening.
  3. confusedfishy

    Ich in my tank and I don't know what to do?

    okay-so we are going crazy trying to find a refractometer. We couldn't find it on or any other stores in the USA. We can only find in stores on ---- in other countries. Do you know of any good places to buy from?
  4. confusedfishy

    Ich in my tank and I don't know what to do?

    I feed some of the fish frozen mysis shrimp and the tangs nori (although I have just started that) - how do I add the garlic to those? I have a hydrometer by Instant Ocean that goes all the way down to 1.000, would that work okay since it will take a few days for me to receive the other by...
  5. confusedfishy

    Ich in my tank and I don't know what to do?

    We have set the QT tank up, stand and water. We are using the established water from our other tank that is okay. We found some "plastic rocks" so the fish will feel more at ease. The two tangs are about 3 inches a piece, hawkfish is about 2 inches, clown is about 3 inches, and the engineer...
  6. confusedfishy

    Ich in my tank and I don't know what to do?

    My tank is 92g, new to us but very established. We have a black clown, engineer goby, flame hawkfish, colt tang, and a powder brown tang. The powder brown tang presented with spots first (Tuesday). We are going to set up a QT tank tonight and tomorrow that is 29g. We have had a 5g until now...
  7. confusedfishy

    Ich in my tank and I don't know what to do?

    Okay-I bought a show tank from a store. Everything has been running beautifully until last week. Then, ich happened. I only have a few fish presenting problems. It is a reef tank. My local fish store told me that if I turned the temperature up to 82 that it would make it go away without...
  8. confusedfishy

    Does Raising the Temperature Stop Ich?

    I seem to have had some ich develop in my tank. I had put some fish in last week but the fish I added are the only ones without it. The temperature was too low in the tank when it started and my lfs said that that probably caused it. They also said if I raise the temperature to about 82...
  9. confusedfishy

    Fox Coral ??

    I actually just purchased a fox coral last weekend. I included a pic of mine. I haven't fed it anything yet. It seems to be opening and beautiful. They are so delicate looking, love them.
  10. confusedfishy

    Leathers in Trouble-Picture included for help...

    My coral aquarium is 65 gallons. I have many different types of coral, for example...mushrooms, bubble, starburst, gorgonia, button polyps, etc... I also have, what I believe to be some different leathers. For the last few days they have not seemed to be right-see picture! The other corals and...
  11. confusedfishy

    any divers out there?

    Scuba diving is one of the best hobbys in the world. I have been diving in Florida in several places, all great. Also, I went diving at Epcot in Orlando in the Living Seas, 2nd largest aquarium, and it was wonderful!!!! I would recommend this experience to anyone, get some practice first...
  12. confusedfishy

    best algae sheets for tangs? please advise!

    I want to add some algae sheets for feeding my tangs, I have a powder brown and a colt (yellow eye) in the tank. Are brown sheets the best? Thank you for your help and expertise!
  13. confusedfishy

    fish or corals?

    personally-as a saltwater addict I have to have both reef and fish only. The solution really is to have multiple tanks-much better -alot of room for everything!!!!!
  14. confusedfishy

    Sea Hare-death dangers?

    I am having some issues with hair algae. I have a 65 gallon that has suddenly started having this problem, not sure why. Also, I just purchased a new tank from another person that hadn't kept it up so it is full of hair algae, I cleaned it up during set up but it is coming back in places. I...
  15. confusedfishy


    Can you post a picture for us to see? I do have a purple gorgonia and it does shed every few weeks, it is a clear coat that seems to shed like skin coming off, if that is what is seems like it is fine, it should look brighter in color underneath the shedding area. I do pull it off if I am...
  16. confusedfishy

    Feather Duster Question

    I bought a feather duster about 3 weeks ago and he has left and made new tubes several times. I thought he was going to die for sure when his tube cracked and seemed to split in the middle, but he rebuilt over and over again. I bet yours does too!
  17. confusedfishy

    Any type of coral in fish only?

    Okay, I am about to start a new tank but I want to have it a fish only so I can't have some larger fish that are not recommended with corals. However, are there any corals, like mushrooms, that would be safe? Thanks so much in advance for any advise!
  18. confusedfishy

    2 royal grammas in one tank

    I was wondering if it was impossible to have 2 royal grammas in one tank? Not alot of information about that...I have one but a friend wants to give me another one from his tank, I hate to say of them is alittle bigger than the other I have researched a little but everything says it is...
  19. confusedfishy

    Desperate Starfish Help!!

    I would definately do what was suggested above but also take it out as much as possible and put it in your QT if you have one. This might help your chemical tests to stay correct in the short and long run.
  20. confusedfishy

    sand sifting star and copepods?

    This thread has been very informative, my lfs also advised me to get one. I didn't know all of the short and long term effects though. I will say they are very beautiful creatures and that after two months my sand sifter is still alive, I guess that means my tank has alot to clean up...Mine...