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  1. tjswanson

    New Metal Halides

    Hi everyone... I just got new 175w. metal halides (10,000k) I did have hamilton halides, but now I have corallife... Well my LFS told me they were a better bulb but they aren't as bright as the Hamiltons... What kind of bulbs do you guys use? TJ
  2. tjswanson

    Life expectancy

    Some angels can go for over 20 years....-
  3. tjswanson

    Hey Salty...

    My tank has small air bubbles in it(I think just about everyones does) and my sponge is having no troubles what so ever. TJ
  4. tjswanson

    Hey Salty...

    The big thing is when you transfer them from the dealer's tank to yours. You have to keep them under water the whole time. They cannot touch the air or they'll die. I have a red sponge and it's on the bottom of the tank. They like a lot of current but not much light. TJ
  5. tjswanson

    Jewel Sunflower

    I was wondering.... I know someone out there has to have kept this coral alive. I was wondering where you placed it in the tank.. as far as lighting and current. TJ
  6. tjswanson

    Happy Anniversary!

    Happy Anniversary. I'll be joining ya in February. TJ
  7. tjswanson


    Low current is one cause, but also if your tank is fairly new. When I converted from 75 to 125 I had brown and red algae up the butt. Now finally it's starting to go away and I have really good circulation. I would make sure your phosphates and nitrates are low and just give it some time. I...
  8. tjswanson

    Blue Spotted Stingray

    I would say so, but you'll want to find of more info on them. Fish domain . com has info on the blue-spot. TJ
  9. tjswanson

    Majestic Angel Update

    Is the Emperor a juv. or adult and how big is he? I have a juv. that is now starting to change, but he never acted like that when I brought him home, but every fish is different. Hope you have great luck w/ him.TJ
  10. tjswanson


    If you want two angels together I would have added them at the same time. I think another tang could be a possibility, I mean, look at my fish. I have 5 tangs, not too many people would even try what I did. Sometimes you just have to take a risk to succeed. Another thing your Koran will probably...
  11. tjswanson

    Moorish Idol

    It's not that they aren't hardy, they mate for life and when they're taken from the ocean their mate is separated from the other. They die of lonliness. If the two are shipped together then they would survive. A lot of marine fish reach over a foot so that has nothing to do w/ their hardiness. TJ
  12. tjswanson


    You can easily add more fish, but the yellow tang will be agressive towards most new fish. In my 125g. I have a powder blue, sohol, orange-shoulder, sailfin tangs and an emperor angel(juv) and a naso tang. All my levels are great too. I just added a De-nitrate for only 60$. I made it myself. As...
  13. tjswanson

    125g. Tank

    Just an update. All of my fish are doing great. The sohol, powder blue, and the rest of the tangs get along pretty good. I just added a DIY de-nitrate. I will have to see if my nitrates get down to zero in the next few weeks. I think I'm going to take back my sailfin. I want to add some smaller...
  14. tjswanson

    Did ya miss me?

    !WOW! I haven't been on for probably 2 weeks, well anyways I finally have my sohol and powder blue in my tank!! I'm almost glad the first sohol didn't make it because this guy is beautiful and not very agressive, so far. The powder blue dominates the sohol, but my orange-shoulder dominates the...
  15. tjswanson

    Copper as preventitve??

    My LFS owner told me that you can turn the temp. up to 90F if you have no inverts. TJ
  16. tjswanson

    Copper as preventitve??

    Copper is only toxic to fish that either 1. have been in a tank w/ copper at .3 for over 4 months or 2. copper level is kept over .3. But I do agree w/ beth, I wouldn't use copper unless you have a problem with ick or other parasites. (ps-there is only one kind of copper that works and only one...
  17. tjswanson


    I love the stuff, that's all I use. TJ
  18. tjswanson

    I'm the craziest guy you know

    I know you should feed them greens, but you don't understand how much algae is on my back wall. If I feel that he needs algae sheets I'll feed them to him. Hey rick, you want to ask your LFS if he'll ship it to me. I live in Illinois so I bet the reason the prices are different are the extra...
  19. tjswanson

    I'm the craziest guy you know

    another thing rick, that is a REALLY good price for a powder blue, I'm gonna pay 75 for the powder blue and 90 for the sohol. TJ
  20. tjswanson

    I'm the craziest guy you know

    rick, I would buy him... If you don't you'll regret it. If your going to upgrade next year get him. He will get bigger, but I would say only and inch in a year. GO FOR IT. The one I'm looking at is like 5 inches and is eating like a pig. doing good since he only got him tuesday. I'm gonna try to...