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  1. tjswanson


    Hey, Don't you have a juvenile King angel? If so I just wanted to know its personality. I'm looking into getting one sometime. Right now my tank just has a rainbow wrasse, female. This weekend I believe I'm picking up a 3" Niger trigger and then I plan on adding a Harlequin, sohol tang, and King...
  2. tjswanson

    Coral banded with any other shrimp?

    Right now I have 2 coral banded shrimp w/ 2 cleaner shrimp and a camel shrimp. They are in a 10g tank too. I'm treating my display tank so they got put in a separate tank and they're doing fine. The funny thing is that one of each shrimp has eggs. TJ
  3. tjswanson

    Ich infested tank!!!!

    I suggest using formalin and a product called quICK cure. Use them together and make sure to pull out the carbon and turn off uv and protein skimmer. TJ
  4. tjswanson

    what is the best reef tank size?

    I personally, would at least get a 75g tank, but if you have the money to spend and you already have the equipment, I'd go ahead and get a 125g tank. I made the switch from a 75g to a 125 and I'm so glad I did. TJ
  5. tjswanson

    UV FILTER. Pros? Cons? Is it REALLY Worth the $$??

    I'm not disagreeing w/ you trey, but my LFS said it didn't matter if I left my UV running when treating the tank. I used formalin and quick cure. Should I have turned the uvs off? TJ
  6. tjswanson


    there is this really cool stuff called bio-active live aragonite reef sand, mine was 27.99 for a 20lb bag. It contains more than 10,000,000 heterotrophic bacteria per pound. You should use 1 pound per gallon of water. suppose to instantly cycles your tank, but I'd still wait a week or two to see...
  7. tjswanson


    Definately set up a QT tank. I have had to learn this in a very hard way. As of right now abosolutely nothing will live in my tank. And all of this could have been avoided by QT new fish. So from now on all fish are going to go through QT. It sucks not being able to have any fish in such a...
  8. tjswanson

    uv sterilization

    I'm also running 2 uv sterilizers. The reason I have two is this... I bought this 9 watt when I didn't know much about them and I just replaced the bulb, so then I was looking at a new one 25w. U2 from custom sealife. And my LFS wouldn't give me ---- for my old one so I just decided to keep it...
  9. tjswanson

    Just need a little help

    Hey trey, it's ok... I took my inverts out of the tank. Right now I'm dosing the system with RxP(which I underdosed) and quICK Cure. For the quick cure you're suppose to have the skimmer off so I have left it off even though the RxP said to leave it on. That's why I underdoesed the tank. I'll...
  10. tjswanson

    Ecosystem Scrubber as only filtration?

    I looked into seriously doing this.... I think that is one of the best filter systems you can run.. water conditions stay perfect and fish love it... If you want it I would follow exactly how your LFS did. But buy it derectly from ecosystems... if you want the address you can email me...
  11. tjswanson

    Just need a little help

    I don't think this stuff has the same formula as stop parasites. A guy that I know used it and had good results, said he never had anything kill the ick so fast. I might try it and underdoese it or something. TJ
  12. tjswanson

    Just need a little help

    I wanted to know if anyone here has used a product by Kent Marine.... I do belive it's called RXP.. The bottle has an Emperor angel on it. It's supose to be an invert safe ick treatment, but you have to use it with caution. I'll have to look into it some more, but I wanted to know your opinions...
  13. tjswanson


    Foxfaces are very nervous fish. at the drop of a hat they can change colors and just freak out, infact this is the only fish I know that if you chase them around the tank too long they pass out. I love mine though, a true pig. Eats all the food before anyone else can get to it. TJ
  14. tjswanson

    Uv question.

    Here's what I have... I have a 125g. reef tank w/ a 9 and 25watt uv sterilizers. I have them running on the same pump so the water runs through one then the other. I would suggest getting a custom sealife U2 double pass sterilizer, they are awesome. It has a 5 second contact time. I also run an...
  15. tjswanson

    Dragon Wrasse in reef tank????

    I wouldn't put a dragon wrasse in a reef tank. They will eat snails and the sort. I wouldn't take the change, but it's your call. TJ
  16. tjswanson

    copper problem

    Tonka please don't add links to another store. Just look for a product that removes copper from your tank. I used copper in my main system and I wanted to keep inverts so I used Cop-a-way by Awuatronics and it worked. Right now I have a full blown reef tank w/ no problems. TJ
  17. tjswanson

    cleaner wrasse apetite

    All cleaner wrasse are picky eaters, but every once in a while you get lucky. I had one that eat everything I put in the tank, but it died when I had a huge disease outbreak. Some people don't like to keep them because most of them just end up dying, but there's always that one that will live...
  18. tjswanson


    Hey would you please send me your email address. I don't care if you post it here or just right me an email at I really need to talk to you. TJ
  19. tjswanson

    Emperor Angel ?

    Hey Lionfish, one more thing. Make sure when you go to pick out your new fish that it isn't too small. I woudln't buy a juv. emperor unless it is at least 3" or around there. I definately woudn't buy one that is 1-2".... TJ
  20. tjswanson

    Emperor Angel ?

    My experiences w/ Emperor angels has been quite different. Last July I bought a small juv. about 2.5" for 80$. I still have him today and now he is about 4" and is doing great. He has never had ick very badly. If he does get some ick it's on his fins and goes away w/ in a couple of days. He eats...