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  1. katiev

    tang Id need help

    Pics yet? I would like to see your new fish, no matter what it turns out to be. :) I'm sure you'll get an answer right off the bat. And ditto everyone else's . Seriously...what you asked for was an ID, not an attack of your knowledge/capabilities...jeez.
  2. katiev

    WANTED: 36" AquaLight Pro HQI/PC/Lunar Light Fixture

    36" Coralife AquaLight Pro Metal Halide/Compact Flourescent/Lunar Light Fixture. I'm getting a new tank soon, and would love to find this lighting used. If you have the fixture but it needs new bulbs, still interested. :) I'm located in Southern Oregon. Will pay shipping.
  3. katiev

    Choosing Tank Size

  4. katiev

    Choosing Tank Size

    Thanks for your help. I knew I'd have to be wary of the dwarf angel around my corals. I was going to give it a shot, but if some coral-munching started happening, I already have a good home for the angel to go to. I'm also aware that the valentini puffer might pick at corals some, too (inverts...
  5. katiev

    Choosing Tank Size

    Originally Posted by rbaldino One other thing... If you want to use your 10 gallon as a sump, it would probably be best to order either of those tanks as a reef-ready setup, but that will no doubt increase the price. If you're willing to pay for it, that's the way to go. Is this because a...
  6. katiev

    Choosing Tank Size

    Thanks for the input. I'm leaning toward the 50, for the same reasons you gave. I've been told by a few others that metal halides are the way to go; any reccomendations for brands/intensity/wattage? In my 10 gallon, I have mushrooms, frogspawn, xenia, zoos, chalices, and an unidentified coral...
  7. katiev

    exciting day tomorrow

    I like to zoo too, only it makes me feel a little sad. :( I can't stand to see the big cats and larger animals pacing the cages.
  8. katiev

    Choosing Tank Size

    There's a 50g (like the footprint for a 30 gallon, only wider) and a 60g (footprint follows 55g, only taller) at my LFS; same price for tank/stand/hood combo. Here's what I'm thinking: if I were to go with the 60g, I'd probably do a FOWLR -- otherwise, I'd have to get really awesome lighting or...
  9. katiev

    this should be fun

    Cleaner shrimp.
  10. katiev

    demartini or someone help!!

    Erm...not much. The anemone will move wherever the heck it wants to. Don't expect it to stay in the place you put it.
  11. katiev

    Filter question

    I think that anything besides a nano needs a sump. In the long run, you'll be happier if you go with it. You could make a DIY sump for very cheap. My mom made a sump for her 30g out of two plastic storage bins...if you look in the DIY section, you'll definitely find what you need. If you do it...
  12. katiev

    Nano Tank Frags to real Reef

    Looks awesome!
  13. katiev

    sea dragons

    lol, If you like a wallet that has the consistency of like...knobby wet toilet paper. This is what the Western Australia Department of Fisheries has to say about them: Unique to the southern waters of WA and South Australia, the leafy sea-dragon's home is inshore areas of seagrass. Unfortunately...
  14. katiev

    24 Hr Cycle

    My post wasn't directed at you, reefkprZ, but the entire thread overall. Your post contained very thoughtful information, actually. Talking about the idea of a 24 hour cycle (which is absurd) is just fine, but talking about another person specifically is plain mean.
  15. katiev

    24 Hr Cycle

    ...Why, exactly, was this topic brought up? While I think it's really cool to make fun of a novice's inexperience and naivete (<- sarcasm), this type of thread only propagates rude and otherwise unwanted behavior on SWF. Please don't come back with, "Well, he came here for advice and didn't...
  16. katiev

    ID on this little destructo please

    When we go to Lake Tahoe, we catch crawdads off the pier with a chunk of hot dog stuck on a fish hook/fishing awesome. Maybe try the same tactic. Wait until he gets a good grip on the chunk of food attached to a hook (...maybe twist the hook until it's closed off at the top and...
  17. katiev

    54 gallon project...

    In place of the tangs, why don't you do a dwarf angel? People with larger systems get tangs because they're beautiful and active, and angels could replicate that effect in a smaller tank like yours. Some fish suggestions: sixline wrasse, carpenter's flasher wrasse, coral beauty angel, cherub...
  18. katiev

    Snails Die

    I just temp acclimate the snails, but I drip acclimate the hermits and ornamental shrimp and such. Would you say the snails have sufficient food in the tank? Algae to munch off of the rocks and glass? It's possible they could be starving to death. None of the hermits have died? I'm sorry this is...
  19. katiev

    New 14 gallon BioCube

    Aww, how cute. She looks very perplexed in the last picture. I would add a little more rock. Once you start putting corals in there, you'll want the extra space to cover with zoos and other fun stuff.
  20. katiev

    Snails Die

    I only temperature acclimate my snails, and I've never had one die as a result. I've lost quite a few to the hermits, though. I guess you could try acclimating them longer and see what happens, too. It may or may not be the cause.