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  1. katiev

    Snails Die

    Are the snails relatively the same size as the hermits? It's possible the hermits are killing them for their shells. Try getting some snails that are way larger, or way smaller than the hermits and see what happens then.
  2. katiev

    What to replace my valentini puffer with?

    A pair of black and white clowns would be cool. A coral beauty, pygmy cherub, or eibli angel could work in a 30 gallon. Out of curiousity, why are you taking the puffer out?
  3. katiev

    new tank 12 gal

    Love your rockwork. *wink wink* What are your plans for it?
  4. katiev

    Fish Order

    It doesn't matter too much. However, the cleaner shrimp will probably immediately start doing it's job -- cleaning. It's kind of annoying for a newly introduced fish. I added my yellow watchman and clown after the cleaner shrimp, and he was on 'em as soon as they hit the water.
  5. katiev

    Restarting My 12G Nano.

    Personally, I would only have the pair of clownfish in there, but I suppose you could do the goby too. I would strongly suggest removing the chromis, unless you ditch the clowns.
  6. katiev

    lights for 10 gal

    I have the Coralife 50/50 96w with legs on my 10 gallon. They make my tank look awesome!
  7. katiev

    Couple EXTREME close up pics.

    Awesome frogspawn. My favorite. :)
  8. katiev

    if you could have one coral???

  9. katiev

    if you could have one fish

    A tank full of toby puffers.
  10. katiev

    bristle worms

    A lot of bristle worms could mean you're overfeeding...but they will not directly harm your fish. If you are overfeeding, then that could cause some problems other than a bristle worm explosion, and may be the reason your fish died. What are your tank parameters? Ammonia, Nitrate, pH...
  11. katiev

    Rare fish pics

    That shark is gorgeous.
  12. katiev

    What is your fav tv show

    It was either satellite or Netflix, and we chose Netflix. When we had satellite, we pretty much only watched the movie channels and four or five others anyway. But when we had satellite: South Park (I used to hate it -- it's so funny that now all I want for my birthday are the DVD's.) Grey's...
  13. katiev

    bored, snake pics

    Very nice, sharkboy. We got our state tax refunds in the mail a few days ago, and my fiance finally got his snake. It's a female redtail, he thinks surinam (maybe you can give your opinion when I post pics). She's only about a foot long. Very calm and friendly...she was at the pet store for a...
  14. katiev

    Assorted Colored Sea Serpent DEAD OR ALIVE

    ...Sea serpent? Do you mean an eel?
  15. katiev

    More progress on the tank

    Looks good. I love sixline wrasses -- great fish. I would like to have another. (I failed to notice that mine wasn't in the best of health when I bought it. My first fish and was a little too excited.) Nice penguin. ;)
  16. katiev

    New 10 gal.

    Just to give you some options other than clowns: watchman gobies/pistol shrimp combo, clown gobies, bicolor blenny, neon goby, royal gramma, firefish... You could have a sixline wrasse, but it could possibly start feeling cramped. A lot of rock with in-and-out hiding places and gaps for it to...
  17. katiev

    Please Please Help...all Fish Dead

    You really do need to post exact tank parameters. Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite pH Salinity Calcium Alkalinity
  18. katiev

    Please Please Help...all Fish Dead

    Those centipede-things are bristle worms, and they will not hurt your tank. Do the other ones live in the sand? Then they are probably just flat worms. How old is the tank, and how long did you wait before putting fish in? Do you think it's possible that any household cleaners or air fresheners...
  19. katiev

    Zenia really is a week

    I don't think that will even keep it from spreading. Eventually it'll get big enough to reach for another rock. Pesky coral. I'm trying to get rid of the brown variety in my tank, but if you don't get every last piece...
  20. katiev

    New Video inside, order

    Oooh, burn, jason. While your post was harsh (albeit amusing), his was rude and abrupt. So that's that. Very cute clowns! I was considering a domino damsel for might rethink him in the future. They're pesky. :) And although it's already been mentioned, the dragonet isn't going to be...