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  1. rbaldino

    to the engineers/inventors an idea

    Originally Posted by seasalt101 it would definately be in the multi-billions but oil at 60.00 a barrel i would be willing to bet a 2 years supply of oil would cover it magnets are cheap and plentiful they could design a truck which would be kinda like a sewing machine to plant the magnets and...
  2. rbaldino

    to the engineers/inventors an idea

    Originally Posted by trippkid I think there is plenty of land for this. I guarantee you there isn't. Diverting corn crops from food to fuel production is already effecting food production and cost, and that's just to provide ethanol for E-85, which is only used by a small percentage of...
  3. rbaldino

    to the engineers/inventors an idea

    Originally Posted by f14peter I'm really stunned there's hasn't been a quantam leap in mileage over 30 years and you would think that the average car should be getting 50mpg now without resorting to exotic technology. Because most cars these days weigh well in excess of two tons, and never mind...
  4. rbaldino

    Best hitchhiker ever!!!!

    I got a tigertail cucumber that way once. Took him back, though, because there was no way he was going to make it in my tank.
  5. rbaldino

    Heres how to REMOVE ICH from FISH safely!

    Originally Posted by crimzy Can you please explain why it's so important to you to discredit his claim? I have had similar success... discredit away. I'm not trying to discredit any claim. I think he jumped in, wrote some total BS because he wanted to rock the boat, then changed his statement...
  6. rbaldino

    People vs Pets (VICK)

    Originally Posted by Rylan1 Why are people calling for the death or inprisionment of a person who abused a dog(s), and not saying anything about a murderer? Technically, the wife was convicted of manslaughter, not murder. She alleged spousal abuse and testimony was provided to somewhat back up...
  7. rbaldino

    Heres how to REMOVE ICH from FISH safely!

    Originally Posted by dhav rbalkdinio whatever you name is, If you continue scrolling up youll read that I corrected my previous post. We are past this part, stop starting up something that has been already surpassed. If this is really bothering you then ill buy you a slice of pizza. I have...
  8. rbaldino

    Heres how to REMOVE ICH from FISH safely!

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman I don't understand how a product can work in fresh and saltwater. I have something to say on that. When I first got my tomato clown, he developed a fungal infection in QT. I tried Pimafix to no effect, then Pimafix and Melafix, and still no effect. I went to a...
  9. rbaldino

    freakin cingular

    Originally Posted by autofreak44 all you guys live out in the middle of no where... tooo bad where i live you can get any provider and get great service... oh well I don't know if living in So Cal is worth it.
  10. rbaldino

    freakin cingular

    Do what I did: switch to Verizon.
  11. rbaldino

    is it worth it?...

    Depends. I think a sump is worth it if you set the tank up that way to begin with, such as buying a reef-ready tank with a built-in overflow, etc. If you already have the tank and want to set up a sump, then you're most likely going to have to use a continuous siphon overflow and run some...
  12. rbaldino

    460nm or 420nm actinic

    Originally Posted by andy51632 What does dual actinics mean? You use both kinds. Yes. You can get some tubes that have both 420 and 460, just like you can get some tubes that are both daylight and actinic.
  13. rbaldino

    What kind of fish is this?

    Definitely a damsel of some sort, and not one of the common ones.
  14. rbaldino

    Heres how to REMOVE ICH from FISH safely!

    Originally Posted by dhav it was Hypo and yes it was several weeks before I got the gravity down to where it was required for the ich to die off. GUYS SORRY FOR MY ORIGINAL POST, i wrote it real quick while I'm at work.... Then how did it kill your fish within a matter of seconds as you...
  15. rbaldino

    460nm or 420nm actinic

    As far as I know, the 420nm is the same as Actinic 03, which is supposedly the true actinic. I have one tank with a 420 and one with a 460, and I like the 460 better because it seems to bring out more of the green in certain corals.
  16. rbaldino

    Has anybody seen those comedy roasts on Comedy Central?

    Yes. They're incredibly raunchy but incredibly funny.
  17. rbaldino

    Heres how to REMOVE ICH from FISH safely!

    Originally Posted by dhav I had some ich problems, I attempted to do a hyposalinaty for about 3 weeks I got my specific gravity at 1.009; and instead of seeing results I saw my fish dying slowly. This was mortifing to me and i'll never do this again. I should've left him in the tank and...
  18. rbaldino

    Questions on my New Aqua C

    Originally Posted by Nick76 Ok thats what I needed to know, I just remember when I 1st joined up here and I was asking about Protien skimmers Alot of people were saying that "The Protien Skimmer and LR are all the filtration you will need" Thats why i was kinda confused. Some may say that. In...
  19. rbaldino

    Questions on my New Aqua C

    I think you're a little confused about what the skimmer is for. It's not meant to take the place of mechanical/chemical filtration. I have a Remora on my 29, but I also have a small Aqua Clear HOB powerfilter where I can run carbon and other filter media. If you want, you can get the prefilter...
  20. rbaldino

    Heres how to REMOVE ICH from FISH safely!

    Originally Posted by mujtba Alright so a little while ago my fish all got ICH... 4 out of the 6 were sick BADLY. I lost 1 fish- before I took any action. I could have saved this one too if I did things sooner. I did buy some medicine for ICH. Yes I know, QUARANTINE, REMOVE FISH FROM TANK blah...