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  1. rlablan

    Novahobbies official 110g rebuild thread

    Can you get some "dental instruments?" I believe they sell them at ace hardware. They are like 1.00 a piece. They are angled all weird and are good at getting at stuff. What about also some SKINNNNYYYY needle nose pliers or some very long and skinny tweezers. Try the drug store beauty aisle or...
  2. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    I just realized that this is a very picture heavy thread. I hope that no one has slow internet or an old computer. But on the bright side I have yet to see a meme asking for more pictures
  3. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    Scrubber is finished! Woohoo! It was a little tedious but it was really cheap. I chose to drive the scrubber using a 5000k 14000 Lumen 23watt LED. Its a par 38 daylight bulb and it's the equivalent of a 120w Comp. florescent bulb. This bulb was really expensive but It's worth it to me. Less...
  4. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Well, killing everything when your learning something is sometimes an inevitability. But, go slow and condition the tank to more feedings over time. Use some phosban to cut down on phosphates as much as you can, and if you have a sump, I highly recommend...
  5. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    I never have high enough nitrates to sustain chaeto. It always just wilts and dies. I think a scrubber will work for me because it won't strain into the tank like chaeto or caulerpa. I have tried in the past and it just is not something that will work for me (at this time). Maybe someday? How...
  6. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    It's a purple plum. I IDed it today. You are correct, it is Photosynthetic, it's not NPS. It's in the 150 reef and it looks great. It's already coming out in full force and is nice and fluffy. Thanks for lookin' out buddy I appreciate you.
  7. rlablan

    Gorgonian; Photosynthetic vs. nonphotosynthetic

    This is an old thread but Oh well. I just bought this guy yesterday for my NPS tank but I am not sure that it is NPS after examining this thread. I think this may be photosynthetic. It is not out as I just bought it. It was in a tank with blue LEDs that were pretty bright and it was completely...
  8. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    Thank you. I think for now I will not be running a skimmer. I am going to build an algae scrubber this weekend. That idea seems like a better use of organics in the tank. And I think it will serve to keep all the NPS guys better fed. We will see how this works. The algae scrubbers have always...
  9. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    So Cory was kind of unhappy with the way that the 24inch units looked on our 72in tank. There was a rather dark spot in the middle of the tank and also on the edges. I must admit that I thought that I did not care for the fixtures as much as I wanted to because they were LEDs... But I think I...
  10. rlablan

    Who are you (member photo thread)

    Thanks guys... lol I needed a good laugh. It's been a rough day :)
  11. rlablan

    Who are you (member photo thread)

    It's not a frog. It's a mouse. His name is Cheesers.
  12. rlablan

    Who are you (member photo thread)

    +1 We like new faces! Welcome
  13. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    We bought 2 24 inch units, the pics I took were just after we had set up 1... they are both up now but not hanging. We are hoping that after hanging the two 24s will be enough and be able to cover the tank. If we need another, I suppose we will have to get another. The T5s don't wash out the...
  14. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    Here are the pics! These are not really edited. I got a few good shots but nothing great. All of these are VERY true to color. display screen Chompie, the new resident of the 60 gallon. He is tiny compared to this normal sized light switch :) I like him. Not as exotic as I wanted to go...
  15. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    Lol Siptang, you just ship them in a bag of water. :) As long as they get to me in 48ish hours, they'll be good. You just put some styrofoam around em, really anything will do and then use like a USPS flat rate box, or something small and snug. DEFINITELY wanna make sure that there is thick foam...
  16. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers I'll take the....... uhm...... wow...... brain fart! I don't get it?
  17. rlablan

    Who are you (member photo thread)

    Quote: Originally Posted by novahobbies I hear ya. Ours was more a function of The Wife seeing this particular shade of electric blue and having a little "musthavethatNOW" moment. ...which we're still paying for. Sigh. Honestly, I'd prefer a more sensible car. You know. Cadillac Escalade...
  18. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    I'm willing to pay shipping hehe
  19. rlablan

    Help with a rebuild!

    Well, after a couple of days and nights, it looks like everyone is all settled in. No fights, No jumping... Everyone is eating.