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  1. fishnerd


    Ophiura is absolutely correct. In order to keep an AZA (American Zoo and Aquarium) accrediation, public aquariums must use food fit for human consumption.
  2. fishnerd

    Angles and Triggers?

    Do not mix 2 'large" angels of the genuses Holocanthus, Pomacanthus, Euphipiops, or Chaetodopolous (sp?) They are very territorial and will fight. There is a well accepted hypothesis on differences in coloration between adult angels and juveniles. Juveniles are colored differently for survival...
  3. fishnerd

    top 10 fav fishies

    Assasi Trigger Hawaiian Dragon Moray Volitans Lionfish Townsend's Angel (Queen x Blue) Cuban Hog Flame Hawk Longnose Hawk Semilarvatus B-fly Bangaii Cardinal True percula Clown
  4. fishnerd

    I hate to say it...........

    Loopy, you are always asking legitimate questions. You seem to be one who wants to know more, and is seeking advice from others. I have never seen you post "yep"
  5. fishnerd

    shaving brush

    Assuming you have proper lighting- I would go with Sea Grapes (Caulerpa racemosa). I must say that the Hippo will probably go after them though. Halimeda sp. are also hardy, and very few fish will bother them.
  6. fishnerd

    shaving brush

    Shaving Brush (Penicillus sp.) are highly calcerous, much like Halimeda sp. of macroalgae. Most tangs do not eat halimeda, presumeably due to the taste and texture. I am not discrediting USINKIT, but I would be tempted to disagree. Here comes "Mr. More Than You Need To Know Man"... Shaving brush...
  7. fishnerd

    I hate to say it...........

    Loopy, I am on your side. Posts don't need to be acceptable to an English Comp. Professor, but at least write them in English. What bothers me are the people who post... "yep" for the sole purpose of getting their post count higher.
  8. fishnerd

    Aggressive Tank with live rock?

    I don't feel LIVE rock is a necessity, but if you want an eel, get some rocks for hiding/lurking spaces. Live rock is definately beneficial, but a good wet/dry and skimmer will suffice. (IMO)
  9. fishnerd

    black tip reef sharks

    public aquarium
  10. fishnerd

    black tip reef sharks

    MATTIEJ- Thanks for the compliment, I will pass it on to our Sr. Aquarist of sharks.
  11. fishnerd

    HELP Its Not ICH

    I think a good butt kickin has alot to do with your fishe health also. What else is in the tank with it? It obviously has been the victim of aggression.
  12. fishnerd

    black tip reef sharks

    We (my work) have a 10 foot Sand Tiger in our shark pool. Our setup is a giant ring where we can change the flow direction/current. It allows the large pelagic sharks to continue swimming as though they are in open water. It holds 225,000 gallons.
  13. fishnerd

    Porky Puffer..?'s

    In nature they feed on crustaceans. Shrimp, mussels, etc. with weekly vitamin injections (I like selcon)should work.
  14. fishnerd

    Spiny Box Puffer

    Spiny's aka Burrfish are roughly the same to care for as Porcs. Yes they are prone to ich, as are porcs, but a little quarantine will help with that.
  15. fishnerd

    Shocking Powerhead! OUCH!

    The grounding probe is more for the tank inhabitants. Stray voltage is one of the factors in HLLE. For your own safety, get a GFCI outlet. It will trip the breaker if electricity is going where it shouldn't.
  16. fishnerd

    Please help me ID this thing!!

    My vote is on spaghetti worm
  17. fishnerd

    Nemo's Tank

    WOW, I have a Percula named "Notnemo" and a Hippo named "Antidori"
  18. fishnerd

    odd balls

    A crocodilefish in a 55? They get waaayyy too big for a 55
  19. fishnerd

    Shocking Powerhead! OUCH!

    1) GFCI 2) Grounding Probe 3) Good idea of smashing it
  20. fishnerd

    does anyone here....

    DVS- Hats off to you. I find it funny that the responses like "I tell the lazy bum to get a job" et al, come from posters whose hobbies are endemic of teenagers who still live with their parents, and have no clue what its like to be down and out. I GIVE FOOD AND CLOTHES TO THE HOMELESS OFTEN. I...