Search results

  1. mproctor4

    9600oz to freedom: Our 75g (Coral growth picture update! 9/14)

    Your tank is off to a great start! I really like your cave and most esp. your dog faced puffer! lol. Sorry to hear about your Mandarin. I think it is unlikely that the bristle worms actually killed the Mandarin. Mostly likely he died and they were just cleaning it up. I don't believe...
  2. mproctor4

    okay.... gotta new 56 gal. For Christmas....

    Mrs. Kiefers here---its a good nite to snuggle in........we got about 5 more inches of snow today. I'm curled up on the couch with my laptop, dog, and chocolate chip cookies watching my hunnie move some rock from his biocube to his newly cycled tank. Life is good, esp. cause its not me...
  3. mproctor4

    turf scrubbers

    Thanks SantaMontica!! I had read the spirals burned out easier which is why I didn't start out with them. You can't see it in my picture but my bulb are spiral inside of the flood light casing. I can't remember what wattage they are but they were the highest that store sold. Until I get...
  4. mproctor4

    turf scrubbers

    Since we are resurrecting this thread I am hoping someone can give me some advice please. My ATS is 4 weeks old. I thought everything was going great until this week. Nitrates have been as follows: week 1: 20 week 2: 15 week 3: 10ish week 4: >100 As far as I know nothing has changed...
  5. mproctor4

    Depressed - Venting

    Sorry. That is a horrible feeling! (went thru it not too long ago) Thinking it is time to do several water changes. Hopefully you can save the rest. I've been wantint a cowfish too-just to afraid.
  6. mproctor4


    Waiting is the hardest part. Sometimes you will get the same reading several days in a row, it is just part of the process. We are currently cycling a tank also, so I feel your pain. Personally, I think that testing your water everyday just makes it more frustrating and wastes your testing...
  7. mproctor4

    Dumb newbie coral question

    My husband just feeds his tank with coral frenzy, oyster feast, marine snow, etc. and it absorbs that. He never directly target feeds it and it has grown alot. In approx. 9 months it went from one tiny head to 6 large heads.
  8. mproctor4

    Another noob with a few questions.....

    They would be fine together. Same thing, make sure to add them at the same time or when adding the second clown it needs to be significantly smaller than the first.
  9. mproctor4

    Hello All

  10. mproctor4

    Another noob with a few questions.....

    If you have more than one dwarf angel it is best to add them at the same time or rearrange your aquascaping when you add the second angel. I have a 120g and had a coral beauty for about 6 months before adding a flame angel and they didn't even acknowledge each other. My husband temporarily put...
  11. mproctor4

    Another noob with a few questions.....

    Welcome to the hobby! Keep you eyes open for good deals on CL and local reef clubs. There are many DYI projects that will save you alot of money. I made my own filter for a fraction of the price and I have been very happy with it. I'm not sure exactly what to call it because it is a...
  12. mproctor4

    Niger trigger

    No, but mine is still small. He is obsessed with the power head. Swims circles around it for hours-he has a large tank and rarely leaves the powerhead! Years ago I had a picaso that would rearrange everything.
  13. mproctor4

    Niger trigger

    My niger trigger is a model citizen, the cleaner shrimp climbs in his mouth to clean it. Never touched a coral, shrimp, or crab (even the one I wanted him to get). My dad had a niger trigger for almost 10 years, never bothered a thing. I've often wondered why they are not reef safe myself...
  14. mproctor4

    Last Nights Storm

    We got 12" and a little freezing rain. The freezing rain ended up helping because we had 54mph wind gust and the ice on top of the snow kept the snow drifts under control. Just very grateful we never lost the power!
  15. mproctor4


    Henry and Joe---you two are just naughty! haha My ex graduated from KSU, so I feel your pain. We had to visit every trip to Kansas. It is a nice campus though. At least you are close to Kansas City (at least I think you are), I bet there are some awesome fish stores there! At least now you...
  16. mproctor4

    Birthday present from my wife

    Good to know. I have alot to learn about corals. We have the API saltwater test, calcium, and Alk. I have been looking for Magnesium and Iodine but have not been able to find them locally. I'm sure I will have to buy them online. I will definately look for K+ and Magnesium also. Wasn't...
  17. mproctor4


    I think I would be calling the company if this is a new tank. It should not have cracked that easily. My husband has a 29g biocube also and it has been a great tank, no problems at all. My daughter has the exact same tank and it has been a nightmare! We bought hers used, it was 4 months old...
  18. mproctor4

    Crazy Day, Yellow tang glued his mouth shut

    Hope he will be okay! I'm sure that is stressful for him.
  19. mproctor4

    New aranagement

    Wow--they all look nice. I really like your bubble and flame angel. How long have you had the angel? What size is your other tank?
  20. mproctor4

    New aranagement

    What kind of wrasses do you have together? I had a sixline and really liked it but would like something different this time. My husband has a possium wrasse, he has a great personality! He is so ugly he is cute (the wrasse, not the husband)