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  1. cranberry

    somethings wrong

    Quote: Originally Posted by Monsinour Quote: Originally Posted by Thanks. They are doing a few things to get through our block list. A little tacky but it will be resolved shortly. Thanks for all the help. Scott the doctors doing something wrong? no way!?!?! Oops...
  2. cranberry

    somethings wrong

    I'd rather see it than the pizza ad...... While were on the topic. It really slows down my page loading speed. I can see the different pages loading and sometimes those ad pages stall there a sec. There's just a lot of errors and major inconveniences. Maybe if you aren't getting the fixes you...
  3. cranberry

    High quality cameras

    *sigh* time for me to stop.... making typos and STILL can't edit.
  4. cranberry

    High quality cameras

    Quote: Originally Posted by socal57che From what I have read any EOS/EF film lens will work on the Canon EOS digital system, but you may have to adjust an f-stop or two to get the results you want. I think ikt was problems with the EF-S system
  5. cranberry

    High quality cameras

    Not all Canon cameras have the same lens threads.
  6. cranberry


    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...NO....It's a little girls Barbie Dream Kitchen I think those are pretty indestructible. Evil brothers can destroy them in a heartbeat.
  7. cranberry

    High quality cameras

    Oh nice! That's a great choice.
  8. cranberry

    Want to Strangle a Builder that is Already DEAD.

    We have a head bounty out on the builder of this house. How did the wife take it?
  9. cranberry

    High quality cameras

    I had the 50mm lens.... it was very nice. I then went with the f1.4 and love it even more.
  10. cranberry

    High quality cameras

    What camera do you have?
  11. cranberry

    Lionfish tanks shots

    We got that100g tank for $200 plus the cost of buffing liquid (+ a LOT of elbow grease). The light were super cheap (in the scheme of things) from an auction site. Saxman really nailed the aquascaping on the volitan tank.
  12. cranberry

    Is this lady boneless?

    I threw up in my mouth a little.
  13. cranberry

    Support my friend!

    Can't edit, so I have to add...... The baby belonged to the producer of the video.
  14. cranberry

    Support my friend!

    Sorry for the confusion. It's the baby that died at almost 6 months.
  15. cranberry

    I can't edit....

    If definately IE. If I want to edit, I run upstairs to the PC that has Google Chrome and make my edits.... and then run back downstairs.... Maybe Richard Simmons is behind all this and wants me to shed a couple.
  16. cranberry

    Support my friend!

    Be thankful everyone, that we are not parents at the mortuary right now like his family is.....
  17. cranberry

    Support my friend!

    After 5-1/2 months I sent him home. 5 days later he just...... stopped. I don't know what to do with these emotions. This is absolutely horrifying, gut-wrenching and heartbreaking, but I wouldn't give up a second of this if it meant giving up knowing him in the first place.... it was well worth it.
  18. cranberry

    Support my friend!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Cranberry I would walk through fire for this baby..... And today I'm writing a eulogy for him.... This thing we call life can be so cruel. This wasn't expected. I had dreams of being his best buddy. I will miss him terribly. Play hard my little man, until I see you...
  19. cranberry

    My daughter is an official black belt

    I'm way impressed. Not too many kids impress me.... yours has.
  20. cranberry

    recession hits home

    I did not see that you lost your job too. Geez.... I don't know what to say.