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  1. wartooth1

    Upgrading the lights in my tank for corals.

    Well, as far as specific corals... nothing is set in stone, but from what I have seen either on the net or in stores I like the Yellow Tube Coral, Lavendar Mushroom, Button Polyps, Candy Canes, Toadstool, Trumpets, and Plate Coral (short tentacled). So... if 3 wats per gallon is the rule of...
  2. wartooth1

    Upgrading the lights in my tank for corals.

    Ok so I just got off the phone with the LFS that sold me this tank. So currently my lights are flourescents that are providing 48 watts of light. The upgraded lights they are offering to exchange for me are compact lights which consist of 2 bulbs (1 white, 1 blue) and that will provide 110 wats...
  3. wartooth1

    Am I ready for a cleanup crew?

    Hey all, So this is the beginning of week 2 that I've had a pair of damsels in my tank. Since I started this tank 5 1/2 weeks ago, the water has always been crystal clear and I've performed 2 5 gallon water changes (its a 40 gallon tank). I am starting to notice on most of my rocks either a...
  4. wartooth1

    Upgrading the lights in my tank for corals.

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB i understand that its a 30$ more light than what you have. but it still doesnt make sense that a good lighting set up would only be 30$ more than what you have. this same thing goes for the nanocubes and other all in one systems. their upgrades are not 30$...
  5. wartooth1

    Upgrading the lights in my tank for corals.

    Actually i have a couple of pics that hopefully illustrate what I'm looking for: Thats what the unit inside the hood looks like, so it would need to be a lighting sytem that could fit in there. This is the control panel on the top of the hood. I suppose if I would require a system that...
  6. wartooth1

    Upgrading the lights in my tank for corals.

    Its not that the lights are $30... they are $30 more than the lights that I currently have.. what happened is the LFS set me up with a complete system but they did not have the lights at the time so they set me up with my current lights and said that I can exchange it when the good lights became...
  7. wartooth1

    Upgrading the lights in my tank for corals.

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 what are the measurments of the top of the tank? a pic of the hood would be good. for corals, you could look into various T5s, LEDs, and Metal Halides. Pics of my tank are posted here...
  8. wartooth1

    Upgrading the lights in my tank for corals.

    Hey all, So I'm thinking way in advance here but eventually I would want to upgrade the lights in my tank so that I could support corals. The tank that I own is a 40 gallon tank made by Jebo and its called a R375. It came with lights and a filtration system. What I would like to do is have some...
  9. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy What size tank is this? Gemmy it is a 40 gallon tank.
  10. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB absolutely false statement. it would depend on species to determine this. my hawaiian flame wrasses even as a pair are super docile. Maybe you're lucky? Firefish are supposed to be nice but what if I wound up bringing home the Kal Drogo of Firefish? Sorry I...
  11. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    LOL no way! I may be new to this hobby I atleast know that much!!!
  12. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    Ok thats a negatory on the wrasse then... 1guydude this is the zebra I'm referring too: I guess here they are calling it a Zebra Goby but on another site where I originally found it they are calling it a Zebra Dartfish (I'm positive that they...
  13. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    Hmm... well if I don't do the sixline, would going back to the the idea of the single cardinalfish work? Or perhaps a zebra dartfish?
  14. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    Thanks for the input guys :) I can totally do a Coral Beauty or Lemonpeel over a Pygmy. A pair of clownfish would look nice IMO as well. I take it False Clowns would be ok? 3 of the same fish seems like to much of the same fish IMO... I like variety, so I would prefer to have only 2 of the same...
  15. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    As requested... an updated list! ] FISH: White Tailed Pygmy Angelfish Royal Gramma Clownfish Blue Green Chromis x2 Firefish Goby x2 Yellow Clown Goby Bi-Color Blenny OR Lawnmower Blenny INVERTS: Fire Shrimp x2 OR Cleaner Shrimp x2 Arrow Crab Pink Cucumber several Feather Dusters Serpent Star Red...
  16. wartooth1

    My 40 gallon tank (pic thread updated 9/13).

    Ok a few more pics from today... These pics are showing my attempt at aquascaping. Its not done (will be adding about 10 more pounds or so of rock)... so what I'm shooting for is to create an arena or stage like setup so hopefully itmake a very visual cleaning station for the cleaner shrimp that...
  17. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    Hey 1guydude when you said two fires and two skunks do you mean two cleaner shrimp? Just making sure 'cause I heard sometimes cleaner shrimp are called skunks lol. Also, are you suggesting two fires instead of the one fire and the one yellow clown? If I did get two fires, does it matter if one...
  18. wartooth1

    My 40 gallon tank (pic thread updated 9/13).

    Wow I didn't realize damsels can be that mean! One of the fish stores advised me that the all blue one should be taken out before I add any other fish but the yellow tailed one should be okay. Do you agree? As soon as I get the chance I'll take the blue one into a store and see if they will give...
  19. wartooth1

    My 40 gallon tank (pic thread updated 9/13).

    Hello again everyone! ^_^ In the last few threads I made people have made requests to see pics of my tank, so thought it would be best if I made a pic thread that I could update whenever I made any changes or additions. So here's what I have... *drumroll* So thats the tank. It made by Jebo and...
  20. wartooth1

    My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.

    I'll try to get some pics of my current setup soon... just as soon as Ican figure out how to get pics from my phone on here lol.