Search results

  1. 1990jpyj

    20g Long Nano

    not really. i have a HOB filter that runs carbon 24/7, then i have a HOB fuge with lots and lots of pods, and a protein skimmer on top of that so its more like alot of protection i guess.
  2. 1990jpyj

    Live Rock from ***co

    yea i know. but i dont want the job but for double the pay and they let me keep everything the way i want it. i probly would work there. but i would like have to make sure no one touches my stuff. it would also be like having a giant fish tank with a million different fish everyday that i dont...
  3. 1990jpyj

    20g Long Nano

    it sounds like you have got it right as far as flow goes. i have no idea what the little cubes are for. and i cannot figure out y that last chamber is there. my only guess(and this is just a weird guess at that) might be where a special protein skimmer was at. i would test that thing in like a...
  4. 1990jpyj

    Live Rock from ***co

    not 1 for 50mi and after gas and time is figured in im better of buy at my LFS. thye did offer me a job though. it was funny. i was like the only way i would work here is if i got $20.00 and hour and you let me take care of these fish myself. nobody else touches them. he looked at me like i was...
  5. 1990jpyj

    Live Rock from ***co

    no body knows what there doing there. i had to get a manager and tell him to move fish around cuz there dumb. they had 3 tangs in 1 tank not small tangs either probly like 10 pepermints with there feather dusters(not good cuz they were eating them) and there water level was extreamly low cuz it...
  6. 1990jpyj

    20g Long Nano

    ok im holding on oOo you made it to the third page
  7. 1990jpyj

    Live Rock from ***co

    yea my **co has them in there own tank off to the side so idk if its worth it. but for the price compaired at $10.00 per lb it might be worth it. not sure yet.
  8. 1990jpyj

    Live Rock from ***co

    hmm. is it cured LR or do i have to cure it? im not to big of a risk taker when it comes to an amonia spick in a tank. especialy in a small tank where its hard to fix fast
  9. 1990jpyj

    Live Rock from ***co

    that was actually the reson i asked. i saw it in yours and wanted to see if anybody had any good or bad things to say about it. not bad about **co but, about the rock itself
  10. 1990jpyj

    20g Long Nano

    Attachment 214112 does that little green thing come out of the HOB du-dad. if so that is the intake that goes into the filter-then from the filter to HOB then into tank
  11. 1990jpyj

    20g Long Nano

    if it were me i would buy the one that needs to be resealed. the reson i say that is because someone before you might have used it for FW and treated it with copper. so by pulling off the old sealent and resealing it after is cleaned very very well, you know that you dont hav to worry about the...
  12. 1990jpyj

    Live Rock from ***co

    anybody ever bought any of the LR from pet**? i ask cuz they look like 3 or 4 lb. peices for like $15.00 each. they dont go by pounds its by size. large med small. i was wondering if anybody has used any from them cuz i can save like half the money this way.
  13. 1990jpyj

    Glass anemones & clowns

    yea what i got is the curly-q idk y i call it the glass. so i guess i should ask this question in a different way: will a clown host in a curly-q anem.?
  14. 1990jpyj

    20g Long Nano

    as far as that hook up goes i have no idea. the filter looks like its a HOB style that pulls the water out from the tank-goes to the HOB fuge looking thing- then back to the tank. thats my only guess with out really having any hands on work.
  15. 1990jpyj

    20g Long Nano

    well i guess you have a reason to buy that 40g breeder tank now. i have no idea on how to hook those up. im still in the process of figuring out how to hook up a 125g. i have had this thing for 6 months and i just painted it last weekend. havnt even drilled holes cuz idk if im going will...
  16. 1990jpyj

    Glass anemones & clowns

    ok i might have called this thing by hte wrong name again. what i have is a curley-q anem. so its not a glass i dont think. i feel dumb now. my GF actually cought me calling it the wrong thing
  17. 1990jpyj

    1990JPYJ Nano 10g & 20g build

    ok so i bought a small damsel today. he is my starter "if i live a few weeks i will get new fish" fish. he is a blue w/yellow tailed guy. i bought him this morning after i did a 1gal water change checked all my readings. he is a little scared but he is fun to watch. fast lil guy. i will post...
  18. 1990jpyj

    Glass anemones & clowns

    yes. i have done some research on this one. he popped up one day and i freeked out so over a few weeks it grew to a nice size and i was able to get a couple of confermations on it being a glass anem. so that is why i know its a glass, as far as the clowns go i was hoping they would host for...
  19. 1990jpyj

    Glass anemones & clowns

    when i had a set of clowns in my old tank they went near it for a little while but went away. that is y i was wondering if they would host in the anemone. i want them to host in a nano tank with some not so great lights and the glass anem. works good with all lights
  20. 1990jpyj

    HELP!!!!!! Clownfish getting beat up?

    my guess is gonna be the power head. i have had my tanks with peppermint shrimp in all of them. every time the fish come near the shrimp they run off.