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  1. tdog7879

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Originally Posted by jeanheckle That beautiful baby has his daddy's blue eyes!! Thankyou!!!
  2. tdog7879

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    My name is Tony. Im a foreman of a Masonary company. Iam a die hard Redskins fan and Im married and have a 2 year son. Here are a couple of pic. My wife and my baby boy! Me with 2 redskins players (laddel betts and mike sellers) My Tank!
  3. tdog7879

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    Requip or whatever it is called is a joke makes you feel like crap.
  4. tdog7879

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    Originally Posted by jeanheckle Thanks, i couldn't figure that one out. I am on a type of that. It all seems to be hit or miss. Up the dose and take it right before you go to sleep but you need to ask for the xan&x it works that nerve med will make you fell like a zombie.
  5. tdog7879

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    they won't let me put the word up. how about this xan%X
  6. tdog7879

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    Eat some [hr] they work Just ask your doctor for some.
  7. tdog7879


    I use the sand from HD cause thats what the LFS said would be okay i also have added LS on the top (5 inche DSB) the tank has been running for 8 months and no problems till recently iam having a cyano problem not sure if thats from the sand? But i also have a ton of critters in the DSB so im...
  8. tdog7879

    Sump/fuge???? Need Advise!!!

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc IMO 1.5 inches or more apart on the baffles. You need to calculate backwash and leave enough room in the sump for it when it drains down. DT measurements. L X W XH (amount expected to backwash, usually 2in does it) / 231 Try to make the fuge compartment as big...
  9. tdog7879

    Sump/fuge???? Need Advise!!!

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek this is a link to my frag tank thread, there are pics in there of my 10g sump. but yes you put the skimmer where the water from the main tank enters the sump. this skimmer should be over rated for your tank...
  10. tdog7879

    Sump/fuge???? Need Advise!!!

    anybody with any ideas
  11. tdog7879

    Sump/fuge???? Need Advise!!!

    Um just try to keep the thread up sorry.
  12. tdog7879

    Sump/fuge???? Need Advise!!!

    I want to put a 20 long sump for my 80 gall. This is about all the room i have to work with under the DT. Right now i have aTOM AQUACIS WET/DRY CANSTER. with the overflow the pump is 700 gph. I wanted to keep the same overflow box and pump will this work with a 20 gal sump? Also i wanted to have...
  13. tdog7879

    Phosphates Problem Need Some Help!!!!!

    Originally Posted by saltn00b how old are the LR? did you buy them from a LFS or from another reefer? phosphates get locked up in the LR and dont come out. Once these giant "sponges" are filled with PO4 and can no longer absorb it, the water column starts to build up PO4 content. if it is all...
  14. tdog7879

    Phosphates Problem Need Some Help!!!!!

    Originally Posted by Mr_X i don't know about the play sand, but i would only use an aragonite based sand in my system. one snail wouldn't do it. so you thin it could leach phosphates?
  15. tdog7879

    Phosphates Problem Need Some Help!!!!!

  16. tdog7879

    Hair Alage ????

    Originally Posted by jeanheckle How are you getting rid of phosphates. Do you have a cleaner crew? Your cleaner crew should get rid of the hair algae in no time. What kind of substrate do you have? Is there anything in the tank? Water changes using phosoban yes i a have a pretty big CUC...
  17. tdog7879

    Hair Alage ????

    When I get rid of the phosphates in my tank(have a little bit)will the hair alage go away on it's own or do i have to remove it myself? Also can i take the rock out and clean it?
  18. tdog7879

    Deep Sand Bed in refugium

  19. tdog7879

    Deep Sand Bed in refugium

  20. tdog7879

    Deep Sand Bed in refugium

    Hope i don't have to many beacause at when the lights go out the top of my DSB has millions of little critters (tiny snails worms copods etc). Do you think thats a problem?