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  1. kfish

    shrinking of star polyps

    This is crazy I have 3 gs meters and all read different 1 says1.024 another is in between 1.026 and 1.027 the other is in between 1.026 and 1.025.I rinsed them of with hot water and tried again .The same
  2. kfish

    shrinking of star polyps

    Any idea what would make my star polyps shrink.I just got them on 3-20.I have had this happen before with brown polyps now they are gone . hope to save this.The light purple coating is turning brown 0 phosphate.15 nitrate .0 nitrite.0amm.8.2 ph A little low on cal 340.
  3. kfish

    background color

    I used the dark blue for awhile now I am useing fish net it looks pretty neat. :joy:
  4. kfish

    Alk high

    Frist I wont to think everone for there help. I have learned alot from just reading off of this message board it really is alot of help.I think if I buy all the right testers I might be able to understand these buffers .
  5. kfish

    Alk high

  6. kfish

    Alk high

    Thanks for your help. What is the best way of bring my cal back up with the liquid cal or water changes also?
  7. kfish

    Alk high

    Originally Posted by KFish I do have test kits .Its by Marine Aqariums Test lab Campany Red Sea .But its only has the color chart. I have a freash water tank thats been up for 3years and it has all ways been high in Alk. But all is fine .Fish are doing well.I have star polyps and they are...
  8. kfish

    Alk high

    I do have test kits .Its by Marine Aqariums Test lab Campany Red Sea .But its only has the color chart. I have a freash water tank thats been up for 3years and it has all ways been high in Alk. But all is fine .Fish are doing well.I have star polyps and they are shrinking so could that be from...
  9. kfish

    Alk high

    19High 30 long guess thats a 40 gall.My tester dose not show # But if this helps my KG is 230. The tester shows it should be 105-125mg/l.
  10. kfish

    Alk high

    I am having problems with my Alk it is high .I am useing the Red Sea tester.I spoke to a company not sure who now .but thay told me to use Superbuffer-dkh with now it is ph is fine.Then i spoke to some one else . they said to do water changes to bring it back down or a acid...
  11. kfish

    star fish

    That I do not know I will have to look in to that tomorrow.Thanks for your help.Also can you put a green brittle star and a white sand star in the same tank ? That was the question for tonight.Thanks again
  12. kfish

    star fish

    yes It is to late. but as i was ordering these cleaning teams they were order for a30 gal.
  13. kfish

    star fish

    Its to late they are on the way . I orderd them in a cleaning crew.I dont know what to do now. I should have came here first.The green brittle star says reef safe. I guess just not fish safe.I have a 55 and 2 -40s and my 10 gallon tanks.What can I do?
  14. kfish

    star fish

    I have them on the way . what kind of fish are you talking about ? I guess you mean small fish right?
  15. kfish

    star fish

    I need to know if you can put a green brittle star and a white sand star in the same tank .
  16. kfish


    Its a white sebea .ph-8.2 ,80 temp,salinity-35,Ca420 Ihave had it about 3 mounths.
  17. kfish


    What would make a anenome turn brown?
  18. kfish

    Hard white spots

    They do look like little what you are saying my tank is almost good to go Its been up for about 4 months.Its a little more to a reef tank then a fish only much for me to learn
  19. kfish

    Hard white spots

    They are raised off the glass .They look like tiny barnacles.
  20. kfish

    Hard white spots

    :notsure: Hi I am not sure of what i am doing .not even good with this computer.But have to learn some how. I have little white hard spots about pin head size on my glass and rock looks like build up calcium. It is getting bad.could this be what it is? and what can I do about it ?