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  1. kingspade

    Refugium done What do you think?

    mail is a 125 RR and the sump/fuge is a 55
  2. kingspade

    Refugium done What do you think?

    ordering all the rest of my stuff next friday so the week after it should be up
  3. kingspade

    Refugium done What do you think?

    how do you think i did on the refugium?
  4. kingspade

    cool pic of my starfish!

    murph, did you see my new tank?
  5. kingspade

    cool pic of my starfish!

    that thing is awesome
  6. kingspade

    First reef tank project done

  7. kingspade

    Which skimmer

    i dont know anything about the berlin, i was just reccomending the ASM from what i have heard of them and thought since you were trying to stay around $250 and the ASM being only $259 that maybe you would consider it. i have definately heard more good about ASM than berlin, i was actually told i...
  8. kingspade

    First reef tank project done

    It is a 125 gallon, i am going to use a 55 gallon for my sump/refugium, and it is going to be a reef with a few fish, so far i have planned to have a Sohal Tang, Achilles Tang, some Gobies and a damn good clean up crew. i might get a few green chomis too
  9. kingspade

    Fuge/sump idea is it reasonable?

    i am using a 55 gallon for a sump on my 125 and all i did to get it under the stand was take the support board out and replace it after i put the 55 gallon in
  10. kingspade

    Which skimmer

    i am getting the ASM G3 i will let you know how it works. it will be going in a 55 gallon sump for my 125 and if you want to stay around $250 the ASM G3 is only $259, and from what i hear they are very comparible to the euro reefs!! look into the G3 before you go with a coralife.
  11. kingspade

    First reef tank project done

    My first and easiest project is done, they are my Durso Standpipes. Very simple to make and cheap too. i think i have $18 in the material
  12. kingspade

    First reef tank project done

    THANX!! im going to keep a progress log here while the tank goes up. hopefully it will look like some of the peoples on here when done!!!
  13. kingspade

    First reef tank project done

    My first and easiest project is done, they are my Durso Standpipes. Very simple to make and cheap too. i think i have $18 in the material
  14. kingspade

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    i want a frenchie so bad. big money though
  15. kingspade

    FS/ 125 Gallon Complete/ Iowa

    yeah, i guess im not understanding what you are talking about. please define your complaint. when you inquired about it i told you the sale was pending. hers the email conversation we had if it refreshes your memory at all hi you had posted on my 125 gallon aquarium i have for sale, as of right...
  16. kingspade

    Lr in Reef

    Originally Posted by Dexter Just added everything from my 30 gallon into my 100 gallon. dxtr dexter, i HAVE to know what that anemone is
  17. kingspade

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    Heres my buddies Mugsy- Pug Sammy- Boston Terrier Kamryn- Daughter
  18. kingspade

    First attempt at scaping a reef tank

    its a 125 gallon