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  1. dreeves

    Stir up sand ?

    You can scrape the front portion of the glass below the sand line without risking a carefull..dont go to far away from the glass, and dont go to fast as to stir it up.
  2. dreeves

    Thin film on glass

    Probably either cynobacteria or diatoms...
  3. dreeves

    reverse osmosis

    You obtain RO water...bring it up to the level of temp your tank is at...mix it with salt to the desired salinity, let it sit for awhile (many differences of opinion here), add it to your tank...keep it circulated while you are aging it too...
  4. dreeves

    Four weeks into cycle, question..

    What kind of substrate did you use?
  5. dreeves


  6. dreeves


    What are some hard shelled shrimp to feed triggerfish?
  7. dreeves

    Sand Siftinf Star

    Will I ever see this guy again? I put him in the tank...he sank, buried himself...see ya later...being he is new after a day...i un-sanded him, he crawled three inches over and buried himself they ever come up for air er water?
  8. dreeves

    HELP with ID Please!!

    All I see is your finger...and there usually are 10 of them, and yes they usually do cause problems in a tank...keep them out and you will be fine...
  9. dreeves

    This is so sad to write (This is long)

    Micro algea is an opportunistic needs certain elements to survive...once the elements are removed, the micro algea itself will die to provide more nutrients for it to regrow...a big circle... You need to find your source of nutrients..eleminate them, do 20% or so water changes with...
  10. dreeves

    VHO Endcaps

    007... A couple of one stated he shouldnt believe what the LFS only statement was that one shouldnt buy into the tried and tested line...see the thread on IO salt and recent problems as a simple would be far better off in obtaining information from different...
  11. dreeves

    Tubes vs. PVC pipes

    The tubing is far more expensive then PVC pipe...the clear flex PVC is about 3.10 a foot at HDepot...and the vynyl isnt much less...versus 2-3 bucks for a 10 foot section of standard schedule 40 PVC pipe... My display's are upstairs first floor, sumps are in the basement...with that amount of...
  12. dreeves

    actinic or magtinic

    The only difference between the two is the reflector...same light... Also, as a note...I used to buy my lights from a LFS down in Naugutuck, CT...I do not buy light bulbs from local fish stores any longer...whether they do it or not...there is a possibility of the store using the lights for a...
  13. dreeves

    Tubes vs. PVC pipes

    If you use tubing...use flex PVC, usually a braided type of is a little more expensive then the average vynyl tubing..but resist kinking tons better. The difference between tubing and PVC would be dependant upon your situation. My sumps are in the basement, running that much tubing...
  14. dreeves

    Plumbing external return pump

    One thing to consider in placing your bulkhead low into the water...if for some reason you either lose siphon from your overflow, or it becomes clogged or whatever could cause it to stop supplying water to the sump, the pump will continue to pump the water regardless of how overflowed and...
  15. dreeves

    Question on Overflows

    If the tank is empty (as stated above) get it drilled..if it isnt use the HOT. Someone mentioned above about micro bubbles causing a loss of siphon...if the water flow is maintained close to the rated output of the overflow...the bubbles flow right on through without any collection...slow the...
  16. dreeves

    VHO Endcaps

    Does your LFS use VHO's? If so...what type do they use... Dont ever buy into that "time tested and true" line...what works for one doesnt always work for another....
  17. dreeves

    I need to pump up about 5 feet. Any Powerhead will do?

    A submersible MagDrive pump would work fine for you...either a 5 or a 7.
  18. dreeves

    Quietest Returm Pump

    Little Giants here...2 completely silent, other a very low hum...the hummer is the 5mdSC (i think), anyways it is a pressure pump...the other is a 4 series for basic return to tank service. Both pumps pump from basement up through first floor into tanks...excellent pumps for me.
  19. dreeves

    Are 3 pumps too much?

    How many pumps can you fit in your sump...I am not aware of any limit...
  20. dreeves

    Flame Hawlk Fish

    Sissy clown...hahahha