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  1. reefnut

    Clean up crew?? How many at one time?

    As said, that's fine. You can add as many as you want really... just make sure there is enough food available.
  2. reefnut

    which of these should be my first?

    Second the mushrooms... they are a good beginner coral.
  3. reefnut

    MH Light makes temp rise

    Personally I'd add a fan and try to keep the tank around 82. I run my tanks between 80-82 and all of my corals are doing great. IMO 84 isn't all that bad but I personally wouldn't let it get much higher. With proper acclimation the corals will do fine at that temp...
  4. reefnut

    chaeto dying

    They will use up nitrates... along with ammonia, phosphates and other elements in the water.
  5. reefnut

    Fish Suggestions for 40 gal reef?

    Lawnmower Blennys are awesome fish!! Lots of personality.
  6. reefnut

    Fish Suggestions for 40 gal reef?

    Has the tank cycled?? How old is it??
  7. reefnut

    chaeto dying

    Lack of nutrients (food)??
  8. reefnut

    Do I need 150 or 250 metal halide lights

    What are your 120g dimensions? I ran 2-400w MHs on a 60" long 110g without needing a chiller. A lot will depend on your setup.
  9. reefnut

    bristle worms good or bad
  10. reefnut

    Question about tank size + sump

    Depends on the situation but here you would have to go by the display only. Tangs need room to swim... personally I'd have to say a minimum of a 6' tank regardless of how many gallons it holds.
  11. reefnut

    just wanted to see if i could post

    Nice Fox Face!!!!
  12. reefnut

    Added 2nd fuge to setup opinions?

    I don't see anything wrong with it except the skimmer may grow algae on it... or in it due to the light. I'd run it for a few weeks and see what happens!!
  13. reefnut

    bristle worms good or bad

    My vote is that they are GOOD...
  14. reefnut

    Should I put Bristle worms in my main tank?

    Have you looked into the display at night to see if you can see bristle worms?? To answer your question, yes I would... although they should migrate to your display naturally unless there are filters blocking the way. Still, I'd add some if you wanted.
  15. reefnut


    Advantages include... larger water volume, having a place to harvest macro algae, having a safe place for small critters such as pods to grow and multiply, it's possible to add a DSB & more LR to further aid in nutrient export, and having a algae filled refuge lite opposite of the display's...
  16. reefnut

    what do you use to clean outside glass?

    Originally Posted by seannmelly We use 2 papertowels, one wet the other dry. Wipe w/ the wet one, and then wipe w/ the dry one to get all the salt film off. Another ditto... water is all I ever use.
  17. reefnut

    Too much flow?

    A turn over rate of 21x every hour is not to much if your inhabitance are happy. What kind of corals do you have??
  18. reefnut

    Found worm when moving rock I.D.?

    Bristle Worm.
  19. reefnut

    Converting Sump to Refugium question

    A filter after the refuge would stop pods and such from migrating to the display... I'd just ditch the filter.
  20. reefnut


    Again, for a FOWLR... 2-72" VHOs would look nice IMO and you can always add lighting to the later if you want.