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  1. triggerx89

    Niger Trigger

    just to tick you off maybe a undulated trigger would make a nice addition i would not do that but i am in high school freshman and most of th efish are my moms so technically it is hers not mine but i refer to it as my tank and my fish and what do you mean overstalked my mom lost her halfback...
  2. triggerx89

    New Volitan Lionfish

    9 fish and 3 inverts and they all have their own places to hide and sleep and they are all eating and thriving and i suppose you all are going to say that a clown fish, a niger, and a halfback angel riding the bubble curtains we have as going to die well you are wrong they have been doing it...
  3. triggerx89

    i want mean but pretty fish in my tank

    If you seen it there is enough room in there or would you like to arque with my mom about her fish she says no more but her brown tang might go but other than that we have only lost one but someone ate his fins and he was a really small velvet damsel about a month ago and the clowns and them...
  4. triggerx89

    i want mean but pretty fish in my tank

    i dont even have a quuen assassin or picasso i was just wondering cuase i heard that you could have a niger and a blue throat trigger will get along and my niger is the most peaceful fish in my tank all he does is intimidate the bigger fish and he leaves all the others alone and minds his own...
  5. triggerx89

    New Volitan Lionfish

    but if another fish rubbes up against the dragonet wont it die becuase my moms royal gramma is rubbing up against him and sitting on him but he can get away but chooses not too
  6. triggerx89

    fish compatablility

    Well i would be careful if your angels are both pygme's you might be ok with the tank you have now but if you have two sleeper gobies or a sleeper goby and a jawfish there is going to be some hostility in your tank unless what i have heard is all false but just be carefule.
  7. triggerx89

    i want mean but pretty fish in my tank

    now would a Queen Trigger, a niger trigger a gramma 2 clown fish 2 tangs ( yellow, cole) two anenome's a jwa fish a dragonet and a horse shoe crab would this be possible or would the queen kill it. or is this the wrong place to ask.
  8. triggerx89

    New Volitan Lionfish

    Just curious but is it possible to have a lion fish in my tank with my niger trigger, jawfish, royal gramma, psykedelic mandarian goby ( dragonet), a yellow tank, kole tang, halfback angel, two clownfish, a haitian anenome, a purple sebae anenome, and a horse shoe crab. if they can thrive and...
  9. triggerx89

    a little question

    Thanks i am sure it will
  10. triggerx89

    a little question

    i am a little new here but am curious how do you get those pictures under you names or id's i tried but it said that i needed to visit twenty post or something like that and it said i have one zero of zero or something like that so if anyone could answer this question and help me get one. all...
  11. triggerx89

    Need Some Help

    I have a Royal Gramma and a Psykadelic Mandarian Goby or Dragonet but my Gramma is laying on top of my dragonet but is not really sitting on him but more like protecting him and also brushing her tail and body against my dragonet so is that normal or is there a realation ship there that is...
  12. triggerx89


    The tips of my sebae are purple and we have one regular light and one light that the anenome's need to live in a tank it is a purple light and my clowns or at least one took a little trip into the haitian when i was rearranging the rock work and plants one of the clowns went into it for like a...
  13. triggerx89


    The two anenome's i have are a purple sebae anenome and a haitian purple tip anenome and the perculas i have go near the senae but not into it but from what i hear they will go into any aneome so long as they are short tentacled or you know the clown is compatable with the anenome.
  14. triggerx89


    Hello, I have a question about my anenomes i have two percula clowns and neither of them will enter either anenome but they go near them is there something wrong with my anenome's are are they healthy but the clown fishes are just taking awhile. Any information would be greatly appreciated.