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  1. xdave

    Huma Huma Compatiblility

    Originally Posted by MartynA Ive had my humu humu kill a good amount of fish, and up until recently he was the only thing in my 150 gal I think the problem was adding fish that were smaller then him My 2" Huma was way smaller than my 15" Volitan.
  2. xdave

    Huma Huma and Lion fish?

    Originally Posted by PCPope We have a 3" huma and a 4" niger in a 265 with a 6" volitan with 10 other fish no problems our huma is very sweet. Mine was sweet too.
  3. xdave

    Fish ID

    He's a ways from home. I'm pretty sure all you need is a sport fishing license.
  4. xdave

    Are Yellow Tangs just problem fish?

    Yellow Tangs are far from bullet proof. In fact, a larger number of them die in aquariums than practically any other fish.
  5. xdave

    Let's see those mature tanks

    Who here has the most mature tank? I'd like to see some pics of tanks that have been up for years. Does your Sally Lightfoot Crab need orthopedic shoes? Has your Sebae Carpet Anemone grown to be the biggest rug in your house? Are your power heads that bump in the coraline in the back? Let's...
  6. xdave

    what happens if a trigger eats a nudibranch

    The trigger will probably eat it within a few minutes anyway.
  7. xdave

    Pair-o-Clown and a YT Damsel!?!?.

    Damsels are schooling fish, if you keep them in odd numbers of at least 3 you'll seldom have any problems with them.
  8. xdave

    Whats the Normal shelf life for fish flake food?

    If you keep one of those silica gel things in it, it should be good for a year.
  9. xdave

    Annoying commercials

    OMG, I saw that one. What were they thinking, that's more like a SNL sketch than a commercial.
  10. xdave

    Glass anemone

    BTW, I think we've all at one time or another bought something when we weren't sure what it was. I bought Pilot Fish once that they said were damsels. As Jessica Simpson says "I don't know what that is, but I want it".
  11. xdave

    Glass anemone

    Hey, he wasn't lying or anything. How could you pass up "tank bred" anemones!? Guys that don't know what they have are my favorite. Once I bought a Ranfordi Butterfly out of an lfs's assorted butterfly tank for $9.99!!!
  12. xdave

    Keeping pH in balance

    Use some type of buffering. You can buy buffering agents, but I'm cheap, I put marble chips from the garden store in the sump.
  13. xdave

    Scopas Tang for trade in NE OHIO

    Unfortunately I can't take him but I have to tell you that is the best Scopas I have ever seen!!!!!! I have shown fish for many years (and yes bagged a trophy at every show)and I will say that that he is not only show quality, but show winning quality. I suggest that you check the Cleveland...
  14. xdave

    how much live sand is needed

    Guys, don't forget, if you mix 2 different sands together they should be the same size grains, if not the finer sand will sift down to the bottom. When you mix live and not live do you; a) put the regular in first and the live on top of it, b) put the live under the regular, or, c) mix the 2...
  15. xdave

    decorator crabs

    Mine was about the size of an adult tarantula.
  16. xdave

    Do your fish act more peppy after a water change?

    Garden hoses are treated with many chemicals, including antibacterials, and should never be used for an aquarium. Yes, aquarium gravel cleaners don't suck up the gravel.
  17. xdave

    Annoying commercials

    My daughter hates the Charmin one where the bear cub looks a little too happy about how nice the toilet paper feels. I hate the ones that feature the misadventures of green globs of phlem living somebody's lung. The only thing worse than the original head-on commercial is the head-on commercial...
  18. xdave

    Quarentined fish.

    I have always qt'd new stuff, even when I was a little kid with a 10 gallon fw tank.
  19. xdave

    decorator crabs

    They are in the dreaded gorilla crab family. They can, and will, kill healthy fish. They are capable of catching the fastest fish in your tank.
  20. xdave

    What food has nutritional value?

    Limiting the number of feedings per day is not the proper way to control nitrates. It is much less relevant than the amount given per feeding. You should feed no more than your livestock can completely consume in under 3 minutes.